Prof.Dr.Dram,,Gastro Intestinal,Liver Hiv,Hepatitis and sex diseases expert 7838059592,943414355
Genetic detection of sex by amniotic,placenta or mother blood foetal cells or IVF was not that practised in past due to costly and rarely available technology but now is widely practised.So government strict laws sothat no USG detection of baby sex is done.The Pre-conception and Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques (Prohibition of Sex Selection) Act 1994 (PCPNDT) was enacted with a vision to reduce sex-selective abortions and female foeticide.The Act also prohibits pre-natal ultrasound testing for sex-selective purposes. Only medical institutions which are registered under the Act have the license to legally own ultrasound, imaging or scanning machines. Strict records have to be maintained and diagnostic techniques can only be conducted on a pregnant person where conditions specified under the Act are met.
Dr. Anant Bhan, researcher, Bioethics and Global Health Laws said that there is a need to keep up with developments in technology and pointed out two key issues significant to the Act: low conviction rates and potential benefits of non-obstetric use of the test. He also expressed support for a relook at aspects of the law, but certainly not repealing it as demanded by IMA.
Prof.Dr.Dram,,Gastro Intestinal,Liver Hiv,Hepatitis and sex diseases expert 7838059592,943414355
Sex determination test is strictly banned in India.Since inception of Ultrasound it was found that after 12-13 wks of pregnancy and no with advanced 3D or 4D machines even by 10wks sex of foetus can be known so in India being an old tradition to have a Boy in family to carry out its progeny in future,many both educated or illiterate,rural or urban,rich or poor fo to USG centre to know sex of child and if found female get it aborted and such misbelief and misthought has resulted in hugh Male to female sex ration difference a challenge to future of country and widespread social disturbances due to unavailability of adult females.

IMA President has described it as a black law which has miserably failed in achieving its objectives in the past 24 years and was instrumental in harassing the obstetricians and radiologists.Secretary General of IMA, said that these “archaic provisions” were a major problem saying that even clerical errors or an accident in paperwork can cost a medical practitioner their license. Hundreds of obstetricians and technicians have been unduly harassed because of this Act. He also said that at least six doctors had been jailed for a year in Maharashtra after they were arrested for undue errors.He told that female foeticide is a social problem, not a medical one. Isolating doctors and putting the entire onus of preventing sex-selective abortion on medical professionals and ultrasound machines is merely unfair. He further said that the law no longer works, adding that there had been no significant change in sex-ratio in favour of girl children at a national level since the Act came into effect,so it must go now,Onus of saving girl child should be on parents,family,society,nation as a whole not only on doctors as being practised,Doctors are only blamed for this.

PM scheme like Beti Bachao Beti Padao should be implemented and kanya shree and other Marriage scheme should be introduced but targetting doctors should be stopped but our Supreme Court recently denied any relaxation in PCPNDT act and filling of "Form f" as asked by FOGSI ,so o it is duty of comig government to look into matter and bring a new law to protect Girl child where only Doctors should not be soft targetted and prosecuted but it should be social responsibility of all starting from parents to change in society here girls are more easily accepted as more power to girls ad more relaxation in their marriage and education including participation in parliament,assembly and social governing simple such law will not protect girls but it is change in mindset will bring forth good result as now sex can be determined by maternal blood much earlier and such testing cat be regulated and checked as can be done with an ultrasound centre.
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