Device Amazon Alexa to help doctors take quick decisions during Surgery,Radiology,Diagnosis,Treatment & Recreation

Device Amazon Alexa to help doctors take quick decisions during Surgery,Radiology, Diagnosis, Treatment & Recreation

Prof.Dr.Dram,,Gastro Intestinal,Liver Hiv,Hepatitis and sex diseases expert 7838059592,943414355  

Day by Day technology is playing a great role in Human Life .Starting from Artificial intelligence to robotic arm,complex softwares o ultramodern computers to simple devices on mobile phones to home gadegts like Home theatre,Home assistants will modify even a critical subject like Medical treatment. 
Since the launch of Amazon Alexa skill store in 2015, more than 10,000 skills have been developed that enable users to interact with their Alexa-enabled devices. These skills empower the owners of Amazon Echo, Echo Dot and other connected devices to use natural language to interact with the platform in several ways that can range from gaming and shopping to obtaining news, weather, travel, health and fitness information.
Amazon Echo is an inbuilt Alexa or Google Home smart speakers which can play our favorite songs and can also assist doctors during surgeries. Smart speakers are programmed and can assist the physicians in operating rooms, said researchers during the Society of Interventional Radiology’s Annual Scientific Meeting in Austin, Texas.
Smart home speakers are infused with voice interface that enables Interventional Radiology (IR) physicians to ask questions and obtain information required for the treatment of patients without breaking their sterile scrub.
Kevin Seals, MD, a fellow in Interventional Radiology at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), said that in the middle of a procedure, the physician needs to remain sterile, and thus cannot use a computer. This smart speaker technology helps in making decisions quickly and intelligently that are relevant to a patient’s specific needs. This technology enables physicians to focus on the care of their patients, dedicating less time and mental energy to device technicalities.
The application processes questions from a human voice and provides recommendations on the precise sizing of medical devices.
