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As these students are mostly above age of 27-32 years but they cant dare to marry as they are provided residence as dormitary so they cant keep their life partner of family with them ,most of these hospitals are in metro cities as Delhi,Chennai,Mumbai,Kolkata etc so cant take hugh loan to run family too due to such style of meagre paying by these rich pvt hospitals.Many such hopsitals get due credition from National Board of Examination as which is still run by directors from few private hospitals which hardly pay attention to plight of such brilliant students in this age group to extend benefit to pvt hospitals ,so even complain lodged National Board of examinations hardly takes any action or Board itself being a watch dog should itself inspect such irregularities but is deaf and dumb probably due to some reasons best known to its president,director and board members.
But now recently NBE Board has again issued fresh guidlines to All NBE Accredited Hospitals/Institutes/Medical Colleges as follows:---
1. In accordance with NBE stipend guidelines, as notified vide NBE notice dated 26-12-2013, the NBE accredited hospital shall have to pay the DNB/FNB Candidate a basic stipend as mentioned in aforesaid guidelines or basic stipend according to state government policy (whichever is higher).
2. The phrase “basic stipend according to state government policy” in aforesaid guidelines should be
interpreted for different states as detailed under:
Categories of States: The phrase “basic stipend according to state government policy”in NBE stipend guidelines should be interpreted as under:
1. For DNB Broad Specialty trainees and for For DNB Super Specialty & FNB trainees in states where the stipend to MD/MS and DM/MCh trainees of State Govt Medical Colleges is paid as a consolidated sum (without any breakup of basic pay and allowances),the same consolidated sum paid to MD/MS trainees of State Govt Medical Colleges and consolidated sum paid to DM/MCh trainees of State.
1. In accordance with NBE stipend guidelines, as notified vide NBE notice dated 26-12-2013, the NBE accredited hospital shall have to pay the DNB/FNB Candidate a basic stipend as mentioned in aforesaid guidelines or basic stipend according to state government policy (whichever is higher).
2. The phrase “basic stipend according to state government policy” in aforesaid guidelines should be
interpreted for different states as detailed under:
Categories of States: The phrase “basic stipend according to state government policy”in NBE stipend guidelines should be interpreted as under:
1. For DNB Broad Specialty trainees and for For DNB Super Specialty & FNB trainees in states where the stipend to MD/MS and DM/MCh trainees of State Govt Medical Colleges is paid as a consolidated sum (without any breakup of basic pay and allowances),the same consolidated sum paid to MD/MS trainees of State Govt Medical Colleges and consolidated sum paid to DM/MCh trainees of State.
2. For DNB Broad Specialty trainees and for For DNB Super Specialty & FNB trainees in states where the stipend to MD/MS and DM/MCh trainees of State Govt Medical Colleges is paid as for In Govt Medical Colleges States the stipend paid to MD/ MS and DM/MCh trainees of State Govt Medical Colleges is structured as a “Basic pay plus various allowances” .Then for DNB speciality trainee will be paid as per recommendations of 7th CPC Pay level 10 of 7th CPC {Cell 1, 2 and 3 of pay level 10 in pay matrix of 7th CPC correspond to first, second and third year of training respectively} but those doing DNB SUPERSPECIALITY or FNB will be paid Pay level 11 of 7th CPC {Cell 1, 2 and 3 of pay level 11 in pay matrix of 7th CPCcorrespond to first, second and third year of training respectively}
3. NBE accredited hospitals are at liberty to pay DNB & FNB trainees a monthly stipend more than the minimum stipend prescribed by NBE but in no case they can pay less than minimum prescribed
4. The said stipend guidelines further require that parity to the basic stipend paid by respective State government should be maintained and rates of stipend may accordingly be periodically revised.
5. It is herewith reiterated that paying monthly stipend to DNB & FNB trainees as per NBE guidelines is mandatory.
6. All NBE accredited hospitals/institutes are hereby advised to comply with the NBE guidelines for payment
of stipend. Failure to do so shall invite appropriate action as per applicable NBE norms.
But such guidelines were issued in year 2013 but still many big hospitals such as Apollo Chennai,Delhi, Banglaru pay very poor stipend to DNB and DNB Super Speciality students but no action has been taken against such hospitals.Even they have to recruit MBBS grduates for their other work with salary of rupees sixty to seventy thousand per month but these post MBBS DNB or FNB or DNB Super Speciality are paid less than thirty thousand in first 1-3 years/
3. NBE accredited hospitals are at liberty to pay DNB & FNB trainees a monthly stipend more than the minimum stipend prescribed by NBE but in no case they can pay less than minimum prescribed
4. The said stipend guidelines further require that parity to the basic stipend paid by respective State government should be maintained and rates of stipend may accordingly be periodically revised.
5. It is herewith reiterated that paying monthly stipend to DNB & FNB trainees as per NBE guidelines is mandatory.
6. All NBE accredited hospitals/institutes are hereby advised to comply with the NBE guidelines for payment
of stipend. Failure to do so shall invite appropriate action as per applicable NBE norms.
But such guidelines were issued in year 2013 but still many big hospitals such as Apollo Chennai,Delhi, Banglaru pay very poor stipend to DNB and DNB Super Speciality students but no action has been taken against such hospitals.Even they have to recruit MBBS grduates for their other work with salary of rupees sixty to seventy thousand per month but these post MBBS DNB or FNB or DNB Super Speciality are paid less than thirty thousand in first 1-3 years/
MBBS Doctors doing service here are told to work for 48 hrs in a week or a weekly off but these post MBBS Students as DNB or FNB work 24x7 hrs as a bonded labor with no residence ,such exploitation of DNB or FNB students must be stopped and NBE Board should pay much attention to it and if BOard Members due to their vested interest donot pay attention to plight and exploitation of such students then it must be replaced as Health Ministry replaced tainted MCI.
Health Ministry or Newly appointed Board of Governors of MCI has notified that DNB or FNB or DNB Super Speciality degree in 500 bedded hospital is equivalent to MD/MS or DM/MCH and more such exploitation comes from such 500 bedded hospitals ,at many places not adequate education and trainee is too provided ,so NBE must inspect these hospitals before accrediting such hospitals if students undergoing trainee from these hospitals donot get proper education and are not able to clear their DNB or FNB degree in 1-2 attempts.Why NBE board need complain why it doesnot inspect itself and takes stern action by asking payment slips from either hospitals or students enrolled? But as usual in our country due to some favour,all need complain to act and till then students are exploited as they students donot dare to complain as then such hospitals will ruin their careers.
What as DNB or FNB students or doctors related to such students think about well prevalent corruption in NBE board regarding such plight and exploitation of such brilliant students doing PG or Superspeciality in NBE accredited rich hospitals of our country ? Will Board take action and bound such hospitals who has paid less such students who passed or still doing such course in left out years to pay such students their due with interest too ? or will relax by ordering such notification for Ministry or media glaze only.
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