In 6 years, oral cancer cases rise by 114% in India: Study
Prof.Dr.Dram,,Gastro Intestinal,Liver Hiv,Hepatitis and sex diseases expert 7838059592,9434143550
If we see the data recently published by ICMR ,we find that Oral cancer has increases 114% in India and Breast cancer by 11% ,First is killing our men and another our women .Such high rise of incidence of Oral cancer is very alarming and in a very conscious literate and health conscious country like Denmark,Finland,UK, Germany,USA,,France could subtle the Government as failing to care for health of it's people.In India although we are now developed and know all consequences but consume tobacco in form of Khaini,Zarda,Surti,Ghutka, tooth paste,cigarette,Biddi,hukka etc so much that in our country such bad position has arrived.
Prof.Dr.Dram,,Gastro Intestinal,Liver Hiv,Hepatitis and sex diseases expert 7838059592,9434143550

Inspite of large printing warning on packet of These bundles of Biddi,on packet of cigarete and Gutka pouch and so much warning on print and electronic media ,we consume these things badly and our commercial and industrial houses are so mean to earn money that they can give poison to any one to earn money and our Government consisting of Bureaucrats and politicians are so mean and corrupt that they simply donot take any gesture to close these industries or ban on such nicotine poisons which are easily available in market.and even overrule court proceedings to close such nicotine industries raising one or other reason as they get bribe and donations in crores from these industries.
Our Media divison printing large volume of news and stories and showing live 24 tv shows,our film and drama or serial makers hardly show documentary on ill effect of tobacco and nicotine until paid by Government as advertisement and even shows heroes and heroine or villians consuming cigarette,cigar ghutka openly.Our farmers are allowed to grow tobacco and opium illegaly paying bribe to administrative officers of agriculture and marketing.Therfore demand and consumption of nicotine and tobacco has increased.our life style of drinking alcohol,using tight Bra,message of breast for its prominance for beauty and sex,high fat diet,lack of excercise,late marriage,late pregnancy,not allowing breast feeding,hanging loose heavy breast,less awareness and prompt care for any swelling and discharge from breast etc are reasons of increse in breast carcinoma.
Because we are lease concerned from bad effect of tobacco and nicotine individually,socially number of cancer cases countrywide has gone up in the last six years by 15.7%. Data shared by Indian Council of Medical Research’s National Institute of Cancer Prevention and Research showed that 11.5 lakh cancer cases were reported across the country this year, as against 10 lakh in 2012.
Experts from Tata Memorial Hospital (Parel) said the increase was not alarming as it can be explained with factors such as increased population and better diagnostic techniques. As per the new data, cancer-related deaths also increased by 12%. While 7 lakh Indians died of cancer-related complications in 2012, the number increased to 7.8 lakh this year.
ICMR cancer centre director Dr Ravi Mehrotra said lip and oral cavity cancers increased by a whopping 114% in the six-year period. Breast cancer, emerging as a disease linked to urban lifestyle, increased by almost 11%, from 1.4 lakh in 2012 to 1.6 lakh in 2018.These numbers are estimates provided by web-based Globocan programme that was developed by International Agency for Research on Cancer and World Health Organisation. IARC released the 2018 estimates recently.
The silver lining in the estimates is the sharp decrease in cases of cervical cancer, which until a decade back was the No. 1 cancer among Indian women. Globocan data showed a 21% fall in cervical cancer cases, from 1.23 lakh in 2012 to 96 in 2018.Dr Mehrotra said, “An increase in awareness, better screening and treatment facilities, later age of marriage, fewer pregnancies and improved hygiene leading to fewer infections are some key factors contributing to this decline in cervical cancer cases.”
Dr Rajesh Dikshit, who heads Tata Memorial Centre’s epidemiology department said the incidence of cervical cancer had started decreasing in Mumbai many years back. “A decade back, the incidence in Mumbai was 17 cases for every 100,000 population, but the incidence has now dropped to 8 per 100,000 in Mumbai,” he said.
ICMR officials said as 18% of the world’s population lived in India, it was important to understand the disease burden of cancer in every state of India. ICMR released an elaborate state-wise data of cancer along with medical journal, ‘The Lancet’, last month.
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