‘Health is a right of the people and a responsibility of government,’ says PAHO Director
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The Global Conference on Primary Health Care, held October 25-26, was organized by the World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF and the Government of Kazakhstan and was attended by representatives of governments, nongovernmental organizations, international agencies, academic institutions and youth organizations. “We know what works and what we need to do,” said Etienne, referring to what is known as the Primary Health Care (PHC) strategy.
PHC is a strategy for human health and well-being and social development that is centered on people, their families and communities. “It is not merely the first level of care, nor it is the provision of a limited package of services for the poor,” said PAHO Director Etienne, who also serves as WHO’s Regional Director for the Americas.Primary Health Care envisions universal access to comprehensive and quality health care services that focus not just on curing diseases but also on prevention, rehabilitation, and treatment. The strategy also calls for addressing social determinants of health such as poverty, education and housing.
PHC should be central to countries’ efforts to transform their health systems in order to advance towards universal access to health and universal health coverage. As a key step toward universal health, said Etienne, “we need a revolutionary first level of care” that offers comprehensive health services located where people live and work.
That first level of care should make rational and efficient use of technology and organizational innovation, including interdisciplinary health teams with a new cadre of personnel and skills mix. It should be supported by an integrated health services delivery network, including hospitals and specialized services, and should be able to respond to risk factors, violence, mental health issues, sexual and reproductive health, chronic noncommunicable diseases, and disasters, among others, said Etienne.Everyone has a role to play in advancing universal health, said Etienne, including governments, young people, women, the private sector, academia, development partners, community leaders and people everywhere. She urged all these actors to accelerate their efforts going forward.
Etienne said governments should take the lead by adopting coherent policies and regulations and by investing in health. “Please do not reduce health to minimum sets of packages of essential services, when your peoples deserve so much more!” she told government representatives, adding, “Invest in your people and your systems; invest in health, not war.”
Etienne also recognized the role of the private sector as health care providers and their importance in innovation and technological development. Emphasizing the principle of social responsibility, however, she urged that the private sector “Innovate, but based on health needs.” “There is no other way” than PCH to achieve health for everyone, everywhere, said Etienne. “Primary Health Care is smart. Primary Health Care is right.”
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