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But under strict pressure of Present Government who created a separate AYUSH Ministry and is very adamant to give high recognition to AYUSH doctors equivalent to Modern medicine doctors,has laid foundation stone of a AYUSH AIIMS like existing AIIMS,even dissolved MCI too agreed for such bridge course in name of better rural service as these doctors will practice only in villages and suburbs where modern medicine doctors donot go or stay and to improve doctor Population ratio.MCI is dissolved now and 07 eminent doctors Board of Governors has been appointed by Government by an ordinance passed by our president.
Taking advantage of this situation and thinking that these doctors are strictly under pressure of present Government,The Central Council of Indian Medicine has enacted Indian Medicine Central Council (Minimum Standard Requirements of Ayurveda Colleges and attached Hospitals) Regulations, 2012. As per the provisions of Indian Medicine Central Council (Minimum Standard Requirements of Ayurveda Colleges and attached Hospitals) Regulations, 2012, one of the requirement of Ayurveda Colleges is that they have to appoint 8 teachers of Modern Medicine to teach their students.If Ayush students are taught modern pharmacology by modern medicine doctors then there shall be no problem if these doctors prescribe modern medicines.
But IMA and other medical associations of Modern medicine speciality oppose it saying if AYUSH are writing modern medicine than why AYUSH is present,Ayush is being practised as by different medicines of Ayurveda,Homeopathy,Siddha or Unani and patients are better treated as patho physiology of the disease is separate in every pathy and every pathy investigate,diagnose and treat different diseases by their way of investigations with their medicines if they use modern medicine investigations for diagnosis or explain diseases by patho physiology of modern medicine and use modern medicines then these therapy should not exist but better replaced by modern medicine course completely.How such mixing can be allowed as quackery.
These Ayush therapies have their separate identity as their therapy is unique and cure many disease miracly by their way of therapy and better than modern medicine as per their claim.If we allow them modern medicines then we are killing basic of these therapy and such mixing may be accepted by India due to political pressure but whole world will not accept Indian doctors whose reputation is very high in the world and causing hugh loss of millions of dollars,we earn by treating foreigners visiting India for treatment.Any Pathy cannot exist on shoulder of other pathy and AYUSH DOctors will serve rural or village area doesnot hold good as maximum AYUSH Doctors practice in towns and cities and if they are given license to write modern medicines they will substitute MBBS doctors only and shall be no more than quacks having a little knowledge but license.
Secondly even legally the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 and Indian Medical Council (Professional Conduct, Etiquette and Ethics) Regulations, 2002 restrict the students studying ayurvedic medicine system from practicing modern medicine system. The relevant provision is:
Clause 1.1.3 of the said Regulations, 2002, no person other than a doctor having qualification recognised by Medical Council of India and registered with Medical Council of India/State Medical Council (s) is allowed to practice Modern system of Medicine or Surgery. A person obtaining qualification in any other system of Medicine is not allowed to practice Modern system of Medicine in any form.Further, there are certain restrictions on the registered medical practitioners practicing modern medicine system which are as follows:
Clause 7.9 of the said Regulations 2002, Performing or enabling unqualified person to perform an abortion or any illegal operation for which there is no medical, surgical or psychological indication.
Clause 7.10 of the said Regulations, 2002, a registered medical practitioner shall not issue certificates of efficiency in modern medicine to unqualified or non-medical person.
Therefore how such modern medicine teachers can verify and certify the students of Other Therapies as they are expert of modern medicines till MCI rules and regulations are changed ,they can be appointedas teachers but their presence cant certify one not educated in all subjects of modern medicine as even Board of Governors under pressure of Government accept it but will be rejected if challanged in court.
What you think regarding such trick of AYUSH COUNCIL or our Government policy of changing AYUSH Doctors into MBBS Doctors ,please write your opinion.
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