Prof.Dr.Dram,,Gastro Intestinal,Liver Hiv,Hepatitis and sex diseases expert 7838059592,9434143550
By an ordinance Central Government has dissolved MCI again as did in year 1910 and few other times too when it's president was caught red handded by CBI accepting bribe in crores for issuing Medical college recognition against bribe.This time again senior Ministers including health minister added that This MCI is too much adamant and obsessed,it doesnot create mechanism to increase Medical Seats and Medical Colleges,it doesnot listen to Oversight Committee set by Supreme court and it has been labelled as scam tainted by parliamentary committee so it is better to dismantle it till new tabled NMC bill is passed by Parliament.

The Indian Medical Association (IMA) is convinced that supression of MCI is only a smoke screen and ploy to prepare the ground for NMC and sabotage the democratic process of MCI. Why the Government was in a hurry to scuttle a democratic process needs an answer.IMA’s concerns remain. Bringing MCI directly under the government control seems to be the plan to implementation of Bridge Courses, crosspathy and registration of non medical persons.
IMA demands that the BOG should refrain from taking any major policy decisions or amendments changing the character of the IMC Act.IMA also demands that the election process in progress in MCI should be allowed to continue.IMA will continue its resistance to NMC Bill. Any intentions of the NMC Bill implemented through the appointed BOG will be fought with determination.
This is the fourth time that BOG is being appointed. All the previous attempts were an abject failure.The eminent clinicians appointed have little exposure to the day-to-day administration of MCI.The Government has not cited any reason for superseding MCI.MCI Election process is on. It was inappropriate for the Government to supersede at this stage. This betrays a malafide intention.
IMA warned that BOG should conform to the basic tenets of IMC Act and refrain from tinkering with its fundamental structure. Crosspathy, registration of non medical persons, bridge courses and mixing of syllabi are core concerns. The fidelity, identity and the privileges of the profession will be defended at any cost.
184 private medical colleges are awaiting recognition due to strict norms of the outgoing MCI team. IMA, media and the people should keep vigil in this regard.IMA foresees a highly difficult period ahead when checks and balances have been removed.A generation of substandard doctors will be the legacy of this action.IMA will keep its tryst with destiny and redeem the profession from dark forces. Every single challenge thrown at the profession will be repulsed with single minded.
IMA warned that BOG should conform to the basic tenets of IMC Act and refrain from tinkering with its fundamental structure. Crosspathy, registration of non medical persons, bridge courses and mixing of syllabi are core concerns. The fidelity, identity and the privileges of the profession will be defended at any cost.
184 private medical colleges are awaiting recognition due to strict norms of the outgoing MCI team. IMA, media and the people should keep vigil in this regard.IMA foresees a highly difficult period ahead when checks and balances have been removed.A generation of substandard doctors will be the legacy of this action.IMA will keep its tryst with destiny and redeem the profession from dark forces. Every single challenge thrown at the profession will be repulsed with single minded.
But such strong word by IMA is countered not By Governement but many IMA Doctors too as Many in Board in Delhi IMA and other Stae IMA feel that National IMA and present MCI are nothing but are under influence of a past president of MCI who was arrested,he has earned hugh money and resources and have got political connections so he has his persons in National IMA, dissolved MCI and working National Board of Examinations so they donot want any reform in medical education,the way in last few years medical colleges opened and medical seats are being sold in 1-5 crore form MBBS to PG and PGSS are result of scams in past MCI where licenses were given only on paying hugh bribe in crores and in turn,the Medical Colleges were allowed to loot common people and students in name of organising fake fixed entrance examination,keep no teachers,infrastructures no study and patients and earn thousand crores in 1-2 year investing few crores and bribing openly MCI,babus,judges,administrators and politicians.MCI is little strict and open only this time as it knows that it will be replaced.
So many Doctors has welcomed such dissolution of MCI but want that Medical Education should be very competant,scientific. uptodate and par with teaching at developed nations as USA or UK having no substandard for teaching,teachers,facilities and number of pateints attending such hospitals so that good Doctors are produced and research papers are published for advancement of medicine acceptable world wide ,where there should be no bridge course or any course where treatment can be allowed to be done by quacks by merely giving them degree by Government to make people fool and correct its doctor patient ratio on papers.
What as a Doctor you think regarding prest MCI,IMA and other Doctors,please express your opinion.
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