Prof.Dr.Dram,,Gastro Intestinal,Liver Hiv,Hepatitis and sex diseases expert 7838059592,9434143550

As reported earlier many pvt medical colleges which has once either got permission for admitting students or their seats were increased from 500-100 or 150 in last 2-3 times inspections often want that they should get permission yearly for the same quota of seats but MCI on their yearly inspection till permanant permission is given but in most cases Medical colleges maintained fake Doctors or faculty and fake list of infrastructure and patients due to relaxed and suspected corruption at inspection level as being practised since last few years by bribing when such Court Order was given reason to increase seats.So when bribe failed Court was brought to take recognition inspite of many deficiencies where crores were earned in few years from students taking black premium in lakhs and playing with their career by very low education facilities.
But now AS MCI being replaced by NMC so MCI is very strict now and pay much attention so that such discrepancies in Medical colleges are exposed.On the basis of such deficiencies MCI did not recommend many medical colleges to admit students or increase in seats ad advised in last inspections.Central Government also follows MCI recommendation strictly.So Many Medical Colleges now move to high court to get increase number of seats by showing that they have completed deficiency of inspection on papers to Hearing Committee on last day of recommendation or 31st may by an order from HC on judiciary cleverness and argument of senior lawyers to allow them to have admission of seats as allowed in past.
Recent case of KMCT Medical College of Kerala where MCI did not increase of seats from 100-150 for year 18-19 although recommended same for last two years session as MCI conducted first inspection in september 17 where it pointed few deficiency which was corrected on papers as submitted by College before Hearing Committee of Government which directed MCI to verify it without considering seats verification but MCI reconducted inspection in March 18 and found more deficiencies and disallowed increase in seats which was challanged in High Court which opined that reinspection by MCI is not legal as they have adjusted their deficiency before Hearing Committee so directed MCI and Govt of India to pass order to increase seats as done in previous years.Such orders are passed almost on 31st may so that MCI cannot reinspect and bound to recommend increase of seats but as MCI is strict now so usually now move to Supreme court against such orders.
On MCI appeal, Supreme Court cited example of KIMS,Karad instance and passed order that MCI is authorised to conduct re inspection for verifying facts and no court can question it and established that MCI is only authorised for recommendation of permission to a Medical college set asiding HC order and suggested not to interfere in such matters of recognising medical colleges seats without MCI recommendation on simple active arguments of senior lawyers distorting facts so that deficient doesnot get relief by distorting law.Not only this supreme court is very strict for selling seats of MOP up rounds ,by increasing fee without what decided by central or state fee deciding monitoring committee ,by blocking of seats by meritorius students against payment.If a student or a parent or a doctor notice such practice or is cheated by any college than it must be reported to MCI which is very strict too and take stern action against such Medical college as SC is very vigilant and directly monitoring such illegality.
What as a Doctor you think about such new trick of few pvt medical colleges taking route of High Courts for increasing seats or getting permission as once denied by MCI which is now more strict and honest.?
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