Even light drinking may make fatty liver disease worse
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Most people have a little bit of fat in their liver, but fatty liver disease can be diagnosed when more than 5 percent of the liver by weight is made up of fat. If the condition isn’t linked to liver damage from heavy drinking, it’s known as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and is most often associated with obesity and certain eating habits.
For the current study, researchers examined data on 58,927 Korean young and middle aged adults with NAFDL who had low levels of fibrosis, or scarring on the liver. After following half of these patients for at least 8.3 years, 5,630 people had progressed from low to more advanced levels of fibrosis.
Moderate drinkers were 29 percent more likely to have worse fibrosis by the end of the study than people who didn’t drink at all. Men were considered moderate drinkers when they had up to about two drinks a day, while women could have up to about 1.5 drinks daily.
But “light drinkers” who averaged less than 10 grams of alcohol (less than one drink) daily, were also 6 percent more likely to have their fibrosis become more advanced than people who avoided alcohol altogether, the study team reports in Hepatology.“There was no safe limit of alcohol intake in relation to fibrosis progression,” said senior study author Dr. Seungho Ryu of Kangbuk Samsung Hospital and Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine in Seoul, South Korea.
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