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Saturated fats in the body cause levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or 'bad cholesterol' in the blood to rise, along with higher risk of heart disease, coronary heart disease, and strokes — risks that already run high in the Indian population.So “Coconut oil can be included in the diet, but as it is high in saturated fats, it should only be included in small amounts and as part of a healthy balanced diet,” states the British Nutrition Foundation.
In a nutritional study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, it was shown that foods like cheese, milk and other high-fat dairy products that are inherently high in saturated fatty acids, don't particularly increase the risk of heart attacks or strokes.Another extensive report in Lancet studied 135,000 people across 18 different countries that sustained on a high-fat, low-carb diet. The study reports that the high-fat group showed 23 percent lower risk of death from heart-related illnesses compared to their low-fat-consuming peers.In India from past we use this oil as for keeping skin, hair and gums healthy to being the go-to, all-natural makeup remover, as a good nutrient for cooking different food.
There isn't yet any conclusive evidence of the harm coconut oil poses to heart health; its health benefits too, are merely from empirical observations and preliminary data.Most international guidelines for health do not identify coconut oil as detrimental, and instead recommend enjoying it and other saturated fats, in moderation."The dose makes the poison" goes a popular adage in nutritional science, which very well extends to coconut oil as well.
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