WILL "MCI" OR "NBE" LISTEN TO PLIGHT AND EXPLOITATION OF MEDICAL STUDENTS UNDER STRESS & STRAIN ?Dr.Dram,profdrram@gmail.com,Hiv,Hepatitis and sex diseases expert +917838059592,+919434143550
Medical students undergoing MBBS or PG study in a Medical College or a DNB student doing a PG or Super speciality course in a government or private set up are now under heavy stress and strain.In MBBS course so many subjects are taught in a short span of 4 and 1/2 yrs.At every now and then after 1-2 months there is an examination of part completion to ward completion beside periodical so many assessment examinations of theory and practical beside 03 University prop examinations.Students donot get time to relax,they are always in severe apprehension,fear and anxiety of clearing theory or practical examination.

Many of these facts are known to many doctors in MCI but hardly any strict action is being taken to force medical college to work as terms and conditions laid by MCI or Health Ministry.Before NEET Medical seats were being sold openly in 50-100 lacs by arranging so called fake entrance examinations,even after NEET,many colleges donot abide the fee fixed by centre or state in name of deemed university,many admissions are done from second and third lists of weak students as they admit top ranks students spuriously and when they get admission to good colleges ,they leave these colleges.
For NRI students study is more difficult as they 5-10 times what a Indian students pay.Few colleges are not recognised after 1-2 yrs of recognition but they do admit students by applying in high court of state which allows admission till re assessment of MCI is done.Nothing is evident on their websites so many students pay hugh money and are cheated ,MCI has done a commendable job for appealing for such high court order and Supreme court has banned such admission but still PVT Colleges are so much in mood of earning that they never deny such admission in a false hope to parents that even college not recognised court will give order on humanatarian ground to the State to admit such students in other college or they all will get recognised as in subsequent years if college gets recognition.
PG and super speciality students are mostly under stress of their thesis and hugh work in department with no recognition as mostly repriminded by seniors being of age of 26 to 32 yrs with very less money to see own expenditure what to talk of a family when students of engineering and management or civil service are well established.It leads to many suicides in past and present as recently conducted by a pg student in Gujrat and AIIMS Delhi students went on strike against a professor manhandling one pg student.Crux of problem is that Students should be paid adequately and sufficiently and should not be compelled to work more than 8 hrs a day with full leave on sunday and other holidays.But our MCI although full of Doctors never endorse such most needed measures to boost moral of pg students.
In DNB courses condition is very worse as they go for examination in ther place so loose sympathy of internal examination,it is very difficult to pass DNB examination as both theory and practical examinations are more stringent,they also work more hours for 12-18 hrs as are in new medical college,their stipend is also less than those doing MD/MS with leaves of only 28 days in a year.
Those who work in Private hospitals work even more,their hospital and consultants earn hugh money by their work but these pvt hospitals pay less than Rs.30000/- pm as salary whereas NBE Board has decided to pay them almost 75000/-pm as stipend so their tds and incometax is also cut.Few private hospitals takes very hard work of duty for 16-18 hrs continuosly without break even on sunday and holidays and donot sanction leaves too.Many have got hardly an educative atmosphere sothat students can learn better as pvt hospitals so consultants earning privately donot allow to students for operations and procedures too.
These hospitals have got aprooved this DNB courses by influencing NBE sothat they can get less paid hard working servants.Many students leave the course in between and few commit suicide too but NBE board again formed of Doctors hardly take action against such hospitals as if this Board is for welfare of such pvt hospitals at the cost of life of brilliant students.Why NBE donot bring stipend slip and working hours schedule of these students from these hospitals ? or compell students to send their experience of studying in these hospitals confidentially to improve study atmosphere and dignity of brilliant students.
Will as an Individual Doctor or different Associations of Doctors compell our relaxed MCI and NBE Board to think for these students too by writing to them continuosly or raising and exposing such exploitation and plight of medical students in social and print media as working round the year 12-18 hrs ( even a labor doesnot work more than 8 hrs and on weekday and holiday ) with very less payment with contiuous bashing and reprimind from seniors causing fear of either not completing thesis,not allowing operation or procedures or failing in examination ?
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