Same way,Pvt kanachur Medical college,Manglure has filed a petition in Karnataka high court to direct karnataka education board to admit maxim Sunni Muslim Students only in this Institute as it is run by a Sunni Islamic Education trust which was not accepted by education Board as even Minority commission of Govt of India has said it is for upliftment of all minority so why sunni shall be allowed only,This college wants that only 25% students should be admitted of other religion.
Dr.Dram,profdrram@gmail.com,Hiv,Hepatitis and sex diseases expert +917838059592,+919434143550
Many pvt medical Colleges which is run by a religious body wants that maximum number of students should be admitted in these colleges of their religion only.Christian Medical college Vellore didnot fill up its seats as supreme court ordered that after NEET only students can be admitted,they wanted to admit christian students on reserved quota as this institute is run by a christian missionary .

In this context the institute exampled the instance of St John Medical college,Bangluru where maxim benfit and quota is provide to christian students.Similiarly in past Aligarh Muslim University wanted that in their medical college ,reservation for Muslim students should be done utp 75% of seats.Similiary in Kishanganj medical college admission of students of sikh religion is done on priority basis and that of Muslim in Katihar Medical college,as also seats are reserved for christian students in Christian Medical college Ludhiana
Our Supreme court has denied any reservation on basis of Religion as reservation in education or in job stated by state government in Andhrapradesh,kerala etc was overruled by Supreme Court
Inspite of such order of Supreme Court,why few Medical Colleges want to divide medical education on basis of religion.It is not a good trend as if majority students or trust run by Hindu will demand reservation of Hindu students in their medical college,situation will be very odd and as a result many minority students will not get chance for reading in best medical colleges run by Hindu.Even Banaras Hindu University has no reservation of MBBS seats for Hindu,so asking reservation of Muslim and christian students for MBBS education by the trust run by such religious body appears very discriminating and breaking our democratic fabric/
What is your opinion as a doctor to demand of reservation of MBBS seats on basis of religion ?
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