Moderate alcohol consumption may boost male fertility
Dr.Dram,,Hiv,Hepatitis and sex diseases expert +917838059592,+919434143550
The question of whether alcohol intake affects male reproductive function is controversial. In a new Andrologystudy, moderate alcohol intake was linked with higher semen volume, sperm concentration, and total sperm count.
In the study of 323 men patients, 9.6% were abstainers, 30.0% drank <1-3, 30.3% drank 4-7, and 30.0% drank ≥8 alcohol units per week. (1 unit = 125 mL wine or 330 mL beer or 30 mL spirits, all containing approximately 12.5 g of ethanol). Compared with men drinking <1-3 units per week, median semen volume was higher in the 4-7 units/week group, as was total sperm count. Association with sperm concentration was also significant, with a U-shaped trend in groups of alcohol intake.
"As regards low intake, our findings are consistent with other research. In Italy, alcohol consumption is common but usually limited to small quantities, and this applies in particular to men referring to our Infertility Clinic," said lead author Dr. Elena Ricci, of the Fondazione IRCCS Ca' Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, in Italy. "Since the dose makes the poison, they are counselled to limit but not avoid alcohol."
Few days back another study came which revealed another story just opposite to this view.Moderate alcohol intake of at least 5 units every week is linked to poorer sperm quality in otherwise healthy young men, suggests research. And the higher the weekly tally of units, the worse the sperm quality seems to be, the findings indicate, prompting the researchers to suggest that young men should be advised to steer clear of habitual drinking.
Therefore much balanced intake is must as there is a narrow line between excess and moderate intake of alcohol
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