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Follwings are suspected reasons of its failure : 1. It was supposed to be an experiment but no one bothered to collect the data. 2. The rural patients always prefer outpatient treatments which the insurance schemes never cover. 3. Even with inpatient treatments, all the treatments are not covered which cause people to pay out of pocket anyhow. 4. The paperwork related to the insurance schemes is too tedious and time consuming that patients end up paying for it anyway. 5. Many times the treatment required by the patient is not available in the hospital that honors insurance causing the patients to see other hospitals and pay for their pockets anyway. 6.If the hospitals take in these patients and the govt delays, denies or underpays the dues, or babus need commission to clear bills.7.Most important of these are price provided as package price for different procedures and operations.
The NHPS, to be implemented either through insurance companies or non-profit trusts, will pay up to Rs 5 lakh per year for hospitalisation costs to over 10 crore poor and vulnerable households across India. Empanelled hospitals will be reimbursed for medical and surgical services.But the NHPS rates are significantly lower than the figures that the IMA has cited. The NHPS has, for instance, proposed Rs 9,000 for a Caesarean section, Rs 20,000 for a hysterectomy, and Rs 80,000 for a knee replacement. But the IMA said its costing exercise conducted last month in Tamil Nadu has calculated the costs as Rs 57,000 for a Caesarean section, Rs 54,000 for a hysterectomy, and Rs 144,000 for a knee replacement without food charges and stay of relatives and without any complications and side effects during treatment/procedure/operations.
The IMA said Government wants and expects small and medium hospitals in towns and rural areas to be part of the NHPS which aims to provide economically vulnerable sections of the population - or about 40 per cent of Indias population - protection from hospitalisation costs.But this well-intentioned initiative of the government may end up eliminating small and medium hospitals, the IMA said, arguing that hospitals with less than 50 beds would not be able to provide desirable quality of healthcare services at the NHPS reimbursement rates.It will be unfair to ask hospitals to provide services below their survival cost.IMAs concerns were primarily focused on small and medium hospitals because some large hospitals with chains or franchises or NABH status may be able to absorb the unrealistic reimbursement rates by using commercial rates in large cities to subsidise their NHPS services or even under priviledged here can pay some extra too for other cost of staying and fooding.
Not only this by bringing such rates for treatment,operations and procedures other middle and upper class in these medium and low economic clinics,hospitals and nursing homes located in villages,suburs and mediocre towns and cities will not pay the raised prevailing rate so more attacks will be on these hospitals and doctors,they will not able to survive and shall opt for closure and Doctors will like to serve in big hospitals or corporate or government so further unemployment of doctors,nursing and health staff.medical representatives along with pharmacy, labs, hotels and other associated business of pharma companies,health machines and instruments will occur.
What you think about this populist scheme brought before election? whether it is a political gimmick or serve the poors really ? Do you think it will close lower & mediocre hospitals increasing unemployment ?
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