2ND HIGHEST COMPENSATION OF $14.2 million in medical negligence against two Mercy doctors IN FRANKLIN COUNTY
2ND HIGHEST COMPENSATION OF $14.2 million in medical negligence against two Mercy doctors IN FRANKLIN COUNTY
PROF DRRAM,HIV /AIDS,HEPATITIS ,SEX DISEASES & WEAKNESS expert,New Delhi,India, profdrram@gmail.com,+917838059592,+919832025033,ON WHATSAPP

The judgment states Dr. Bryan Menges, D.O., and Mercy Hospital East Communities will be responsible for $9,259,604, or 65 percent of the total judgment.Dr. James Cassat, M.D., and Mercy Clinic East Communities will be responsible for $3,561,386, or 25 percent of the settlement.Lowe’s 10 percent fault of $1,424,554 was subtracted from the original $14.2 million award.
According to court documents, Lowe presented at Mercy Hospital Washington emergency department with abdominal pain April 30, 2014.In his complaint, he contends the Mercy Clinic East Communities accepted him for the purpose of providing medical, surgical, emergency treatment and services to him. But instead Mercy’s agents, employees and staff breached those duties.The jury trial was conducted between Oct. 30 and Nov. 3, 2017.The malpractice case was originally filed in March 2016 and the alleged incident occurred in April 2014.
An amended judgment in February 2018 gave Mercy Hospitals 26 years to pay the more than $12.8 million in damages to Lowe in installments.Past economic damages of $1,570,990, and $900,000 in past noneconomic damages, will be paid immediately.Additionally, $900,000 in future noneconomic damages will be split into two payments of $450,000 each paid on an annual basis.
The top compensation for medical negligence goes to the Doncasters Inc. civil suit in 2006 after a plane crash near Sullivan where the families of seven victims received a total of $48 million in punitive and wrongful death awards by county jurors.
The suit stemmed from the DeHavilland DHC-6 Twin Otter plane crash on July 29, 2006, just after takeoff at the Sullivan Regional Airport.The plaintiffs argued that an aftermarket parts dealer used a substandard alloy to make the plane’s blade which caused the crash.
Although Attorneys for Mercy Hospitals East Communities and Dr. Bryan J. Menges have filed an appeal in the largest malpractice judgment ever handed out by a Franklin County jury.This appeal filed in the Missouri Eastern District Court of Appeals is asking the higher court to overturn the Franklin County Jury’s original judgment signed by 20th Judicial Circuit Associate Circuit Judge Stanley Williams.
The whole world is watching how high court will react for such hugh compensation for Medical Negligence.
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