prof .DRRAM,HIV /AIDS,HEPATITIS ,SEX DISEASES & WEAKNESS expert,New Delhi,India,,+917838059592,+919832025033,ON WHATSAPP
A number of amendments to the National Medical Commission (NMC) Bill have been recently approved by the Union cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.The amendments in the NMC Bill were made with an attempt toward addressing the dismal doctor:patient ratio of 1:1,600 in India, as against 1:1,000 as mandated by WHO (World Health Organisation). Accordingly, the Department Related parliament standing Committee submitted report on 20th march, recommended giving limited drug prescription rights to nursing practitioners or pharmacists instead of AYUSH experts, and a new provision got drafted in the bill to grant a limited licence to practice medicine to non-MBBS medical practitioners, known as 'mid-level medical practitioners'.

It seems our Parliamentarians and present Government is adamant to increase doctor population ratio any how ,as MBBS doctors associations protested so they changed that AYUSH Doctors cant be MBBS Doctors by bridge course but now giving right of writing or prescribing medicines to Nurses,Assistants of Doctors,optometrist,physiotherapists, pharmacists appear more dangerous as to write medicine is not a simple thing as thought by our netas as writing medicine needs understanding of whole disease pathology,its confirmed diagnosis by clinical examinations with different blood,urine,stool tests,x-ray,ecg,ct scan,ultrasound,echocardiography,mri,pet scan,tissue biopsy and different microbiological and biochemical tests.In many cases Doctors donot write medicines too but advise operations,plastering ,[hysiotherapy and other preventive measures,dieting,excercise etc.
But our netas understand that if some persons will write some medicines for disease demand of doctors will be very less but it is not true as our politicians and affordable rich or even middle class persons want not simple doctors but specialists doctors and that too in advanced hospitals and nursing homes with all facilities under roof ,same way poor persons living in villages or suburbs will not want to get treated by such trained nurses,optometrists or pharmacists as they know that they are not well trained and educated as a MBBS doctor.So government will not be able to complete it's task in real sense but yes on papers as many government welfare schemes target will be achieved by socalled QUACKs now called as Mid Level Medical Practitioners in this Medical commission Bill.
Few amendments in Bill to regulate only 50% seats in pvt medical college and to conduct a passout exam after completion of MBBS examination to get a license for practice will open Medical education bazar in our country which was existing till today until NEET passed by Supreme Court and it will be very difficult to be a MBBS Doctor as he or she will have to take so many examinations while Nurses,pharmacists and optometrists and their assistants will get license to write medicines or will be called now Mid Level Doctors.Such doctors will reduce demand of Doctors in society as all these mide Level doctors will openly practice in society and will cheat patients by hiding their degree as now many Homeopaths, Ayurvedacharya, Sidhha,Unani ,rekki,magent acupuncture,acupressure doctors write openly Modern medicines not in rural areas but in cities and towns and that too in many pvt hospitals and nursing homes run by senior modern medicine doctors as they take less salary.
What you think regarding such development?How you or your organisation as doctor thinking to protest or support it ?
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