prof .DRRAM,HIV /AIDS,HEPATITIS ,SEX DISEASES & WEAKNESS expert,New Delhi,India,,+917838059592,+919832025033,ON WHATSAPP
While addressing a question on recently introduced "Modicare" in India Pri Minister Modi in 'Bharat ki baat sab ke sath"programme in London stated that a number of measures has been taken by his Government to make health and treatment affordable and accesible to all particularly poors as recently introduced Ayushman Bharat scheme,avialability of cheap generic medicine in Jan Ashudhalayas,reducing price of many essential medicines, cardiac stents and knee implants.

He categorically stated that in heart attacks ,when patients go to Doctors as patient cant see what is happening inside,in name of heart Doctors frighten the patients and then suggests cardiac stents .Doctors say that two types of stents are available.One is of Rupees one lakh which will last 4-6 years but and another of Rupees two lakh which will last for life.the Poor persons arranges money any how and spent two lakh unnecessarily.when he asked and negotiated with companies such stents are available now in rupees 20-25 thousand only.For knee pains he suggest everyone to do yoga but which peoples donot listen so go to doctors who prescribe costly screw,nail and implant whose prices he reduced markedly.He is cleaning the health sector and add holistic approach to it.
The way Pri Minister of a country to boost own image crticised Doctors,Pharma companies of own country on a foreign land and NRI indians by labelling charge of unnecessarily writing costly medicines, prescribing stents by frightening and selling costly implants has definitely irritated every doctor as few may do such practice to earn money ,many in Government and few in private sectors donot do such practice.He pointed all with same brush in a single stroke.Most Doctors donot prescribe stents or implants unnecessarily and donot pose before patients as a seller as pointed by our PM.So,immediately after this cast, Doctors across the country raised their resentment against PM TV talk choosing social media platform.IMA HQ stated " Indian medical fraternity is deeply pained by our Pri Minister uncalled for and unjust remarks,goodwill and esteem we have for him stands dented".
It is no doubt that treatment is very costly for common persons in India and mostly it is unaccessible for poor persons but for this to blame Doctors is not correct.Government and our PM invited many industrial houses form the world as internationally fame big pharmaceutical companies to come to India and invest.for these now GST was also introduced as a result of this, locally manufactured small companies are shutting down as cant sell their product in cheap.The price they charge is allowed by Government,their style of doing business,giving samples,frebbies to doctors and subscribing their national,international conferences and providing them free air tickets,hotel stay and enjoyment is well known to Goverenment who can block it in by a simple order.
Government has allowed many foreign medical insurance companies who are making an enviornment so that every person has to take a medical insurance.Many industralists and foreign investors have established big hospitals with all facilities in Metro and big cities which advertise so widely that in case of emergency even poor and middle class want to get admitted there to get best service.The gap between small, mediocre and top hospitals is so big that persons being treated at rural or small ,mediocre hospitals feel that they are not being treated properly.So by purchasing insurance or by arranging money any how poor and middle class exhaust their economy to get treated there.
Government hospitals lack facilities and even facilities present work culture is poor so most go to private hospitals.Government cant correct un availability to get all type of treatment facilities,medicines but patients blame doctors and staff for these and as a result all over India assault on doctors and staff has increased and such statement by PM will further deterioate prestige and name of Doctors in public. Pvt medical colleges has been set up in large numbers where until NEET ,medical education was being sold to produce Doctors.Present Government now wants to start commercial medical colleges where fees of education will be determined by such colleges .
Government wants to upgrade ayurved,nursing,homeopaths into modern medicine doctors to correct doctor population ratio but our politicians,bureaucrats,judges,media persons,businessmen always want themselves to get treated at big hospitals under care of super specialists but expect common and poor people should get treated by so called such quacks .Gap between have and havenots has increased.Allocating only less than 2% of GDP on health and not correcting infrastructure,facilities and manpower in Health sector by Governemt is resposnsible for such poor health infrastructure but instead of accepting Government failure it is easy for leaders to blame doctors as they are always soft target.Why government not compelling every company to sell generic medicines only,why branded medicines are allowed for sale? If no brand how a doctor can write it.
Beside this,Doctors have to introspect too.What you think as a Doctor? Hhhow to sideline rotten fish among us ? Can we promise that as a Doctor we shall not accept free samples or frebbies or tickets or hotel rent or subscription and donations for our souvenir,associations or annual conferences from Medical Companies? Can we think to charge rationally for medicines or appliances or implants or stents from patients including our fees and other charges so that poor and middle class persons can get treatment easily ?Until we do this this PM or any other political leaders will again crticise and blame us before public so openly & unwisely.
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