prof .DRRAM,HIV /AIDS,HEPATITIS ,SEX DISEASES & WEAKNESS expert,New Delhi,India,,+917838059592,+919832025033,ON WHATSAPP
Government of India has submitted a bill in loksabha to change Medical Council of India by National Medical Commission saying that Medical Council of India being an independant regulatory body constitued so called democratically by representations of State Medical Councils,Universities having medical colleges, IMA,central and state government representatives could not regulate medical education and heath service in India effectively.

Although democratic on papers but most members remain here for years either themselves or from their catoriee or group regulated by a hidden bosses who manages politicians, bureaucrats to keep their persons or themselves in MCI board because of crores of earning from medical colleges,stay and meeting in five star hotels,free air travelling and foreign visits for conferences beside respect and hugh powers.Even previuosly arrested president now govern many associations again as so called free of all charges as Most arrested persons on corruption charges in India manage.
So socalled Democracy in MCI,Nation Board of Examinations and DCI are for show up as most members are due to mercy of bureaucrats and politicians as mostly ruling parties members run State Medical Councils, Medical Unversities and Health Boards in respective state and UTs and Central Government Political members run Central Instiute and Health Forums,Boards.Most are selected as how they are attached politically or in connection to Bureacracy and Powers beside education and efficiency criteria.
Till today Doctor patient ratio was not corrected,no doctors present in rural village set up,treatment is so costly that poor persons cannot afford it and only 03 to 05 star pvt hospitals are growing charging a profit of 100 to 2000 % and a chain of pvt health insurance companies has come up with hugh premium as one cannot afford any treatment without their shelter in such costly hospitals.Medical education was a bazar where rich could read only by paying a bribe of 1-4 crore for a medical seat until reversed by Supreme Court.
Therefore Central government through this Bill has recommended formation of four Boards to regulate undergraduate and postgraduate medical education, accreditation and assessment of institutions and regulation of the practice of the health and medical profession as independent and autonomous bodies.
Indian medical Association and few other organsations are true in critising this bill saying it as undemocratic as Only 5 states will be represented in NMC at any point of time.The other 24 will be unrepresented.The state medical councils which are sovereign bodies through enactment of state legislatures will come directly under NMC.The universities do not have a representation in NMC. One per state will be represented in an advisory body called Medical Advisory Council.NMC will be governed by Central Government which can turn any decision of NMC,so now no more independant health regulator,Babus having political patronage and blessings but no medical knowledge will govern health and medicine.
NMC is a pro private management bill paving the way for widespread corruption. It removes all the regulations before starting a medical college. No one needs any permission.Any private medical college can raise its UG/PG seats by itself.Only up to 40% of seats in a private medical college can be regulated by the Government. For 60% or more seats, the private colleges will fix the rates.Huge loopholes in financial penalties ranging from 5 crore to 100 crore opening the flood gates of corruption.As a result medical education in the country will become expensive placing the lower socioeconomic groups in great disadvantage.
To correct Doctor people ration,NMC will allow Homeopaths,Ayurvedic ,Dental doctors to become MBBS graduates by bridge courses by mixing of systems which will will endanger the lives of patients.Joint medical council meetings will ensure mixing the curriculum of all the systems.Any foreign doctor can practice in India without any restriction.The screening test for Foreign Medical Graduates has been abolished.All Indian Medical graduates should undergo a licentiate exam to be allowed to practice.
All the non elected members will be either Government officials or nominated by the Government.
Out of 25 members, only 5 will be elected.A group of non medical members have been included.This bill is anti-people since it is pro-rich and pro-private management. The cost of medical education and healthcare will rise astronomically. It is anti-patient since it promotes unscientific mixing of systems. It closes the gate for Indian Medical graduates while opens the gate for foreign doctors and foreign educated medical graduates.
All the non elected members will be either Government officials or nominated by the Government.
Out of 25 members, only 5 will be elected.A group of non medical members have been included.This bill is anti-people since it is pro-rich and pro-private management. The cost of medical education and healthcare will rise astronomically. It is anti-patient since it promotes unscientific mixing of systems. It closes the gate for Indian Medical graduates while opens the gate for foreign doctors and foreign educated medical graduates.
Main objection is that NMC will be directly or indirectly governed by Central Government which can turn any decision of NMC,so now no more independant health regulator.Politicians and Babus having political patronage and blessings but no medical knowledge will govern health and medicine but it is happening now also in MCI and other Medical Associations practically too.Why all Doctors are not members of these organisations, why elections to such organisations not conducted without shadow of groupism constituted on the foundations of power of money,proximity to ruling politicians.Arre idependant poor physicians without any lobby or catorrie or political patronage elected or selected in these organisations without investing hugh for election compaign?
Until these are corrected no real benefit to medical education and health infrastructure caring for general and poor students and peoples of India will come.It is a fact that Whether Central Government or different State Governments or few organsations run it,we are being governed by few powerfuls only and that is why no good care or benefit comes.
What is your stake regarding this,is Central Government right to replace MCI by NMC Bill or how justified is IMA or other Association's protest against this new bill ?
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