Prof .DRRAM,HIV /AIDS,HEPATITIS ,SEX DISEASES & WEAKNESS expert,New Delhi,India, profdrram@gmail.com,+917838059592,+919832025033,ON WHATSAPP
Many are also agreed with the Government that by mere selecting more doctors in NMC will do any good to health sector or medical education as in MCI mostly Doctors were present but they did nothing good to medical profession,thier ex president was jailed by CBI for accepting bribes in crores for recognising pvt medical college ,present president was called by parliament Committee of health to explain irregularities in MCI.Only costly public inaccesible and unapproachable Pvt Hospitals benefitting illegally enormously on selling of medicines,medical tests and therapy opened .Medical education is a bazar and most medical research are copy paste of others.A new medical college or hospital,diagnostic centre or medical shop cant be opened without a bribe.A poor cant afford treatment.All these are happening as either in MCI or in health Administrations mostly Doctors are present but instead of flourishing themselves,meeting and conferencing in five star hotels in India or aborad with free air travelling, our representative Doctors in such board did nothing good for health.Our Governemnt says that it want to improve health system and education to improve shortage of Doctors and hospitals like a corporate with bold and quick decision so want to replace MCI by a board of few members.
Therefore such crippled health system has generated ,so it is time to introspect too before calling such strike as even this bill is withdrawn. Whether our representative doctors will raise above their self to serve the society in the form of bringing cheap affordable health facilities for common people and fair and transparent medical education to common students.
Prof .DRRAM,HIV /AIDS,HEPATITIS ,SEX DISEASES & WEAKNESS expert,New Delhi,India, profdrram@gmail.com,+917838059592,+919832025033,ON WHATSAPP
Our Government want to scrape Medical Council of India by New Medical Commission as they replace planning commission by a Niti Ayog mainly on the charges that Medical Council of India full of Doctors as Board members having Doctors from State Medical Councils,Universities running medical courses,Doctors selected by central Government and States etc could not fullfill its duty of raising health standard of country either in imparting good fair and clean medical educations as large numbers of private medical Colleges allowed to run and earn crores against bribes caught on cameras or by opening good health centres providing cheap affordable health to all.
For this NMC Bill was introduced in parliament but as IMA Doctors protested so before passing it they send it to PSC or Parliament Standing Committee on Health.The NMC bill proposes to allow practitioners of alternative medicines – such as homoeopathy and ayurveda – to practice modern medicine once they complete a ‘bridge course’. It also proposes that the National Licentiate Examination (NLE) be made compulsory for any MBBS doctor, including a foreign graduate, to make them eligible to practice medicine in India.NMC bill have more bureaucrats having IAS or other Management qualifications no degree or medical qualifications and meagure representation of Doctors and only few states are representated with no IMA or doctors or state medical councils or university members,so it appears more autocratic Central Government Department or Ministry rather than a Independant democratic body as MCI.It allows to open new medical Colleges easily and to decide its own fee in 60% seats thus medical Education will be sold openly against money as it was before NEET made compulsory 02 yrs back by Supreme Court.
The parliamentary panel has recommended that the ‘bridge course’ should not be made a mandatory provision. It has also suggested to integrate the NLE with the final year MBBS exam.It reduces pvt medical college power of deciding their own fee to 50%.Rejecting the recommendations of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on the National Medical Commission bill, the Indian Medical Association, the largest body of private doctors in India, on Sunday called for an indefinite strike from April 2.
Nearly 20,000 doctors from across India on 25th March held a ‘mahapanchayat’ at the Indira Gandhi Stadium in Delhi and opposed the parliament panel’s recommendations and the bill.The doctors say the panel’s suggestions are “deceptive”.IMA national president Ravi Wankhedkar said all medical students and doctors will go on an indefinite strike on April 2. He said there was no need for the government to make any law if they want to boost only AYUSH, homeopathy, pharmacists and dentist.“The PSC report is deceptive to such an extent that it will open up the floodgates to allow back-door entry to cross-pathy, thereby promoting quackery legally. Even after the cosmetic amendments, the core issues still remain where it is,” Wankhedkar said.
R N Tandon, honorary secretary-general of the IMA said that The NMC is a pro-private management bill paving the way for widespread corruption.All arguments of the government are hollow and its intention is malafide and harmful and the provisions to open new medical colleges are ambiguous and the provisions to begin PG courses are unregulated.Recommendation to increase the regulation of fee in private medical colleges from 40 to 50 per cent does not make a material difference.
It is true that under pressure of IMA and allied Associations of Doctors Government send this autocratic Bill to PSC and such mahapanchayat exhibited Doctor's unity before public,police press and politicians which is very necessary for honour and prestige of Doctor profession which is now at low due to growing incidences of direct or indirect attacks on doctors or treatment centres .Unity among Doctors is mostly not visible due to their busy enagagements and tendency of Doctors remain aloof or confined to own circle and work only .
But is such strike is only solution left ? As IMA is representative of not all doctors lakhs of Doctors are still not its members so even day of strike many doctors work,those in Government sector hardly take leaves,hospitals and health centres never observe closure ,even outer gate closed inside all work run smoothly .Most IMA members even practice openly beside a leave for few hours so such closures are in real sense failures as neither public nor Government is affected by this as our purpose of strike is to pressurise Government through public.secondly it gives bad impression of Doctors in public and in media as medical help is essential one to save a life,public and media donot take doctor's strike in sympathy however it may be a jenuine one.

Is it strike or simple daily rallies in group in every village,town and city of our country for few hours will caste more pressure on public,press and politicians for our protest ,please write your opinion.
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