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Air born pollen grains and house hold things cause many allergic diseases manifestated as Asthma or skin or eye diseases.Airborne allergens at home like dust mites, fungal spores, and pollen are a major menace and those who suffer because of them may soon get a chance to fight them off.
Scientists at the University of Liverpool in the UK are in the process of developing a novel device that uses cold plasma technology to tackle the problem of airborne allergens in the house.Cold plasma is a form of ionized gas where energetic electrons and ions coexist alongside a wide variety of highly reactive chemical compounds.
The technology only requires air and electricity to operate, typically using ten times less power than a household light bulb.It is an emerging technology and its application is being explored across a number of sectors including the food industry, manufacturing, and biomedicine.Recently, it has been discovered that when cold plasma comes in to contact with contamination in the air around us, such as an allergy-causing fungus or household chemical, it has a very powerful decontamination effect.

To guide development, state of the art diagnostic measurements will be made on common household allergens passing through the plasma device to reveal the underpinning breakdown pathways, they said.A unique engineering solution will be developed to simultaneously target multiple allergens (such as dust mites, fungal spores, and pollen) whilst overcoming many of the drawbacks associated with current devices on the market that can be expensive and inefficient, the researchers said.
"This is an exciting and innovative research project which has a real-life impact," said James Walsh from the University of Liverpool."We will use our expertise in plasma science here at Liverpool to ultimately produce a low-cost, efficient and effective technology that reduces the concentration of allergens from within the household environment," said Walsh.
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