Baby dies due to suffocation as partner shares bed during night
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Suffocation and strangulation deaths increased across the board for boys and girls regardless of race, ethnicity or whether they lived in urban or rural communities, the study found.At least some of the increase in suffocation deaths might be due to a change in how these fatalities are categorized, researchers note.Some fatalities that were attributed to sleep-related causes like sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) at the start of the study might have been categorized as accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed by the end of the study period.
PROF .DRRAM,HIV /AIDS,HEPATITIS ,SEX DISEASES & WEAKNESS expert,New Delhi,India,,+917838059592,+919832025033,ON WHATSAPP
Suffocation deaths are very common in new born,infants and young babies as compressed between or by side of parent as they all share a common bed during sleep at night in their room.Citing an increase in the number of parents sharing beds with their infants as the reason, a US study has suggested that the number of babies dying of suffocation before their first birthday has been rising in recent years.
The suffocation death rate for babies younger than 1 year climbed from 12.4 to 28.3 fatalities from 1999 to 2015 for every 1,000 US infants, researchers said.In 2015 alone, this translated into 1,100 infant deaths that were entirely preventable. The majority of these suffocation fatalities occurred while babies were in bed.
“It may be that parents are not following 'safe sleep’ recommendations to place infants in beds without stuffed animals, soft blankets, pillows, and other items that could cause suffocation,” said study co-author David Schwebel of the University of Alabama at Birmingham.
“It may also be that we have dangerous items on the market and in our homes, and they need to be removed,” Schwebel said by email.
“It may also be that we have dangerous items on the market and in our homes, and they need to be removed,” Schwebel said by email.

While keeping infants in the same room but in a separate crib may help reduce the risk of suffocation and strangulation, parents have to consider risks that go beyond just intentional bed sharing, Colvin said.“It also means not accidentally falling asleep with your baby,” Colvin advised. “It also means removing objects from the infant’s crib or bassinet because all of the quilts, blankets, toys, and pillows are suffocation hazards.”
Bed-sharing is rising the most among black and Asian American families, and these are also populations with the highest rates of sleep-related infant deaths, Feldman-Winter, who wasn’t involved in the study, said by email.“The safest place for a baby to sleep is in a crib or bassinet or play yard in the same room with the parents, not in the same bed,” Feldman-Winter said.The safest way for babies to sleep is on their backs, in their own cribs sans any pillows, blankets, toys, or other loose bedding.
As per guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics, if babies are sharing a bed with the parents, the mattress being used should be firm, there should be no soft objects like pillows and the bed should be away from the wall.Parents should also be aware that bed-sharing is most dangerous for newborns less than 4 months old, preemies and underweight infants, or if babies were exposed to tobacco during or after pregnancy.
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