Prof Dr,DRAM,HIV /AIDS,HEPATITIS ,SEX DISEASES & WEAKNESS expert,New Delhi,India, +917838059592
Because the workday is a major contributor to sedentary behavior, tactics that promote workstation activity have emerged in recent years, including standing desks, as well as dynamic pedal and treadmill workstations.Horswill and his colleagues compared the metabolic rate produced by three workstations: seated at a desk, seated at a desk equipped with a device that stimulates leg movement and standing at a desk. The device, which is commercially available, was a movable footrest, suspended from the underside of the desk, which enabled the feet to swing, twist or teeter.
Prof Dr,DRAM,HIV /AIDS,HEPATITIS ,SEX DISEASES & WEAKNESS expert,New Delhi,India, +917838059592
In modern times most persons in office pass much time of their work before computers or mobile or TV or doing other offical works in sitting condition on chair with a simple walks for toilets or canteen and even during our holidays or during our return to home we again occupy ourselves before these gadgets or indoor play or talking or gossiping where movement is minimum,such life style of ease with no physical excercise bring many diseases as it puts many kilos to our body as we dont regularise our food according to it.
Prolonged periods of sitting increase our risk of obesity, heart disease, diabetes, various types of cancer, joint & back problems, brittle bones,depression and anxiety etc., and as per a recent study, it can even lead to premature death.Sitting all day at work may slowly be killing you but here's something that can help you overcome its damaging effects.
A study has suggested that continuous movement while sitting may increase metabolic rate more than standing at a desk.Sitting has been identified as a risk factor for early mortality, independent of the presence of a disease, such as cancer or diabetes. Up to 7 percent of deaths have been attributed to sitting alone.
"Sitting is bad for our health, but it is a big part of daily life for many people," said Horswill, an expert in exercise and metabolism in UIC's College of Applied Health Sciences. "Exercise is a good way to counteract the negative effects of sitting, but just incorporating physical activity into one part of our day may not be enough to overcome the damage caused by prolonged sitting and an otherwise sedentary lifestyle."

Participants in the study familiarized themselves with the workstations during one visit. On a second visit, researchers collected metabolic rate and heart rate data during three progressive stages: seated, seated with the device and standing. Each stage was 15 minutes.The researchers found that modest movement while seated elevated the metabolic rate more than sitting and more than standing, by 17 and 7 percent respectively, and had no detrimental effect on cognitive function.
"These results suggest that non-exercise active thermogenesis, which we call NEAT, can increase movement and calorie burning, and may have the potential to impact health," said Horswill, the senior author on the study."We expected to see the metabolic rate increase with each progressive stage, but instead found that metabolic rates from movement while seated were either equal to or higher than rates while standing."The findings are published in the journal Work.
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