one out of three pregnancy in India aborted-lancet,are these Female foeticide? should allow medical Pills?
one out of three pregnancy in India aborted-lancet,are these Female foeticide? should allow medical Pills?
Prof Dr,DRAM,HIV /AIDS,HEPATITIS ,SEX DISEASES & WEAKNESS expert,New Delhi,India, +917838059592
Gender identification of an unborn baby is frowned upon in India as changing sex ratio is alarming , compelling authorities to set up strict laws forbidding it.Since it leads to female foeticide, a practice that involves aborting the baby, the process of gender identification has been long since prohibited.Such statistics also include many such patients as patients use Medical pills themselves or through a pharmacist and so called quack healer to abort a female child if they know about it throgh widely prevalent such illegal clinic before coming to a trained doctor or place for abortion where too many qualified doctors practice such illegal and unethical termination for earning money too.
Prof Dr,DRAM,HIV /AIDS,HEPATITIS ,SEX DISEASES & WEAKNESS expert,New Delhi,India, +917838059592
According to the study published in the noted medical journal Lancet, India's year 2015 data has revealed that one in three of 48.1 million pregnancies in India ended in an abortion around 15.6 million abortions in 2015.Nearly half (48%) of the pregnancies were unintended and 0.8 million women used unsafe methods for an abortion, putting their health and lives at risk.The most popular method used for abortion was abortion pills, which totaled up to 12.7 million or 81% of all abortions, while surgical terminations of pregnancy was at 2.2 million.
Around 22% or 3.4 million abortions were done in public health facilities. But 11.5 million or 73% were medication abortions done outside health facilities and 0.8 million were conducted by informal providers.In a comparison of the statistics, India’s abortion rate of 47 per 1,000 women aged between 15 and 49 years is lower than Pakistan’s 50 and higher than Nepal and Bangladesh, whose figures are 42 and 39 respectively.
Self conducted Abortion by openly available Abortion Pills in market are suspected to be an important cause of STDs and other diseases to female while undergoing such procedures thinking it as an easy choice with less or no side effect but infact may landup in a serius situation where often life is endagered or lost if not treated soon.Termination of maximum abortions self or thorugh untrained persons mostly medical or in places where no trained person or health care facilities present reveal how dangerous situation has been created.
This clearly gives a signal to regulate widely and openly available Medical Pills over the counter or online and out of such true medical pills many are fake one marketed as Homeo/Ayurvedic and Unani pills or modern medicines pills giving prompt relief with no side effect.
India has a strict anti-abortion law that prohibits termination of foetuses above 20 weeks, except when the mother’s life is at risk.Surgical abortion can be performed only by trained, certified doctors in registered facilities, while pills to abort foetuses up to seven-weeks-old can be prescribed outside registered hospitals.Medical methods using WHO-recommended combinations of mifepristone and misoprostol account for four in five abortions in India.But such laws are openly violated by such statistics which need immediate correction.

Surgical abortion can be performed only by trained, certified doctors in registered facilities, while pills to abort foetuses up to seven-weeks-old can be prescribed outside registered hospitals.Medical methods using WHO-recommended combinations of mifepristone and misoprostol account for four in five abortions in India.
The draft bill for the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 2014, proposes relaxing the upper limit of legal abortion from 20 to 24 weeks for “vulnerable” groups and permitting trained healthcare personnel, including midwives and Ayush doctors, to offer medical methods of abortion for pregnancies up to seven weeks.But such data are sending wrong signals to protect females from so many unexpected complication of self induced abortions or abortions carried by untrained persons at unequipped centres.
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