Prof Dr,DRAM,HIV /AIDS,HEPATITIS ,SEX DISEASES & WEAKNESS expert,New Delhi,India, +917838059592
A total of 2733 subjects were identified, of which 527 had diabetes diagnosed below the age of 40 years. By the sixth decade of life, early onset cohort experienced high complication burden (CVD: 37.2%, retinopathy: 59.3% and neuropathy: 53.1%). Complication prevalence increased with diabetes duration but the increment rate was greater among early onset cohort. Compared with those diagnosed after 40.
Prof Dr,DRAM,HIV /AIDS,HEPATITIS ,SEX DISEASES & WEAKNESS expert,New Delhi,India, +917838059592
Type II Diabetes does occur in younger age too ,it is always not r maturity onset Diabetes Mellitus of Middle aged or elderly ,some times it is called MODY as it is found in less than 2% people due to some genetic variation but are not always on Insulin dependant as in Type I Diabetes but can be manged by drug,diet and excercise too.
Early onset T2DM subjects are at substantial risk of developing diabetes complications in later years but at an earlier stage than later onset cohort and prolonged exposure to adverse diabetic milieu is an important contributing factor.

Early onset cohort experienced similar burden of microvascular complications ∼13–20 years earlier. Diabetes duration was a significant predictor for microvascular and CVD complications. Prevalence of CVD risk factors was high (∼80–93%) regardless of the age of diagnosis and diabetes duration. Early onset subjects were more likely to have poorer glucose control (∼70–78%), untreated hypertension (26.3%) and a substantial number did not receive statin treatment for primary prevention (34.8%).
Thus the complication burden in later years among early onset type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). is high than those infected with Diabetes in later stage,so it is like a malignant condition needing more watchful of complications and practice early interventions to prevent untoward effects of such complications so that cardiovascular,renal,eye and metabolic morbidity and mortality can be prevented.
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