Prof Dr,DRAM,HIV /AIDS,HEPATITIS ,SEX DISEASES & WEAKNESS expert,New Delhi,India, +917838059592
Guava is a fruit that is packed with natural sugars and is absolutely safe for diabetics to consume. It has a low glycemic index score and is very rich in dietary fiber that helps in treating constipation which is a common complaint people with diabetes have.
Pomegranates contain the richest combination of antioxidants thereby, protecting you from free-radicals and chronic diseases. They play an important role in lowering the levels of bad cholesterol and resistance, which the body has against insulin.
Apples are a hypoglycaemic fruit which contains plenty of fibre that is an impeccable ingredient for a diabetic. It also contains the chemical Pectin, that has the capability of reducing blood sugar levels and the requirement of insulin in the body by almost 50%.
Berries have the capability to break glucose into energy, which reduces the increased glucose levels by a considerable amount. Further, they increase the release of insulin. Thus, regulating glucose levels in the body,
Prof Dr,DRAM,HIV /AIDS,HEPATITIS ,SEX DISEASES & WEAKNESS expert,New Delhi,India, +917838059592
In control of Diabetes first thing is to take a diet in a way so that Blood sugar doesnot go up and its compications donot occur.Following mixture of cereleas and fruits with less glycemic value can help a Diabetic to control sugar.Minimal or low intake of sugar forming substances with diet as per calorie requirement with intention to reduce over weight is the key .
Whole grains:
Whole grains – such as wheat flour, oatmeal, corn, brown rice – contain fiber-rich bran, nutrient-packed germ and starchy endosperm, which are all natural parts and are good for your overall health. Whole grains digest slowly to keep you blood sugar from spiking suddenly. Regular consumption also helps in weight loss.
Whole grains – such as wheat flour, oatmeal, corn, brown rice – contain fiber-rich bran, nutrient-packed germ and starchy endosperm, which are all natural parts and are good for your overall health. Whole grains digest slowly to keep you blood sugar from spiking suddenly. Regular consumption also helps in weight loss.
While beetroots may not be a popular food item with people when it comes to taste, its treasure trove full to the brim with amazing health benefits makes it the number one item of the food list. Packed with potassium, magnesium, iron, vitamin B6, A, C, nitrate, fiber, beetroots help in managing diabetes. The natural sugars in beetroot don’t get converted into glucose in the body too quickly which makes them good for diabetics.
While beetroots may not be a popular food item with people when it comes to taste, its treasure trove full to the brim with amazing health benefits makes it the number one item of the food list. Packed with potassium, magnesium, iron, vitamin B6, A, C, nitrate, fiber, beetroots help in managing diabetes. The natural sugars in beetroot don’t get converted into glucose in the body too quickly which makes them good for diabetics.
Leafy greens:
A diet high in green leafy vegetables can reduce your risk of Type 2 diabetes. Spinach, collards, kale turnip green, broccoli, cabbage, lettuce – these powerhouse foods are extremely low in calories and carbohydrates. Research reveals that eating at least a serving and a half of green leafy vegetables every day reduces diabetes risk by 14 percent. They are also low in calories and carbohydrates and therefore, do not cause sudden spikes to your blood sugar levels.
A diet high in green leafy vegetables can reduce your risk of Type 2 diabetes. Spinach, collards, kale turnip green, broccoli, cabbage, lettuce – these powerhouse foods are extremely low in calories and carbohydrates. Research reveals that eating at least a serving and a half of green leafy vegetables every day reduces diabetes risk by 14 percent. They are also low in calories and carbohydrates and therefore, do not cause sudden spikes to your blood sugar levels.
Flaxseeds and pumpkin seeds:
Flaxseeds, also known as linseeds, are one of the world's healthiest foods packed with micronutrients, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and healthy fats. Packed with large amounts of an insoluble fibre called lignan, flaxseeds help in reducing the chances of heart complications and also the risk of strokes linked with diabetes.Pumpkin seeds are rich in magnesium, potassium and low in cholesterol and help maintain high energy levels, while also helping you combat the urge to eat fatty, sugary foods.
Flaxseeds, also known as linseeds, are one of the world's healthiest foods packed with micronutrients, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and healthy fats. Packed with large amounts of an insoluble fibre called lignan, flaxseeds help in reducing the chances of heart complications and also the risk of strokes linked with diabetes.Pumpkin seeds are rich in magnesium, potassium and low in cholesterol and help maintain high energy levels, while also helping you combat the urge to eat fatty, sugary foods.

Guava is a fruit that is packed with natural sugars and is absolutely safe for diabetics to consume. It has a low glycemic index score and is very rich in dietary fiber that helps in treating constipation which is a common complaint people with diabetes have.
Pomegranates contain the richest combination of antioxidants thereby, protecting you from free-radicals and chronic diseases. They play an important role in lowering the levels of bad cholesterol and resistance, which the body has against insulin.
Apples are a hypoglycaemic fruit which contains plenty of fibre that is an impeccable ingredient for a diabetic. It also contains the chemical Pectin, that has the capability of reducing blood sugar levels and the requirement of insulin in the body by almost 50%.
Berries have the capability to break glucose into energy, which reduces the increased glucose levels by a considerable amount. Further, they increase the release of insulin. Thus, regulating glucose levels in the body,
Papaya has natural antioxidants to make it a great choice for diabetics. As diabetics are prone to many ailments, like heart or nerve damage caused by irregular blood sugar levels , the diet having papaya can obstruct future cell damage for a better and longer life span.
Jamun leaves are good for diabetic patients. As it has anti-diabetic features. This helps to convert starch into energy and keep the blood sugar levels in check, it has low glycemic index. It reduces the symptoms of diabetes like frequent urination and thrusting.
Oranges has the glycemic load of about 5, a low number that indicates that only small rise in blood glucose.Be cautious don't consume orange juice.
Amlas contain a good source of chromium which shows positive effects on the pancreas, where insulin is produced and therefore,helps to manage blood sugar levels.
Amlas contain a good source of chromium which shows positive effects on the pancreas, where insulin is produced and therefore,helps to manage blood sugar levels.
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