Prof Dr,DRAM,HIV /AIDS,HEPATITIS ,SEX DISEASES & WEAKNESS expert,New Delhi,India, +917838059592
The urge of searching symptoms on the internet has become so common that there's a separate term used for that i.e. cyberchondria. It is a condition when the patient searches the symptoms online and correlates it to something complex. For example, symptoms of a minor cold may look like cancer.Since there is a higher risk of misdiagnosis, the patient may bear the unpleasant side-effects. According to a report published in Mail Online, the most common wrongly diagnosed illnesses online are breast cancer, thrush, high blood pressure, asthma, arthritis, depression, diabetes, sexual health problems & thyroid problems.
Prof Dr,DRAM,HIV /AIDS,HEPATITIS ,SEX DISEASES & WEAKNESS expert,New Delhi,India, +917838059592
mart phone and Internet are full of all informations needed for any person for leading life or working. Therefore it is much used by persons all over world and now a days people want to diagnose their diseases by reading diseases on internet and then confirming it by undergoing different tests as advised here and in last they do treat these diseases by taking self medicines as available in country like ours.But it is a very dangerous trend as a Study reveled that Technology may be making our life more convenient and easily available,but that doesn't necessarily mean it can play the role of a doctor too.No matter how easy,cheap, convenient and time-saving it may seem, self-diagnosis and medication are putting our health at risk. Visiting a real doctor instead of Google could literally save and treat us properly.
Firstly, the internet is a mixed bag of resources that may be misleading or baseless; secondly, it can lead to unnecessary anxiety, fears, and withdrawal from the fact that s/he is suffering from a disease. According to a report published in The Telegraph, one in four self-diagnose on the internet instead of visiting the doctor. Despite the fact that the internet offers great information about the diseases, precautions and treatments, relying solely on the online information can be dangerous.
Dr. Ravi Gaur added, "Self-diagnosis can be very harmful because there are many disorders which have common symptoms. For e.g. if someone is suffering from a serious disorder but Google shows some other disorder, they might take simple medicines and skip going to a doctor. At times, self-diagnosis done by Dr. Internet simply by matching symptoms may conclude that it's a case of the heart attack; however, a more objective analysis by a qualified doctor, that also considers the risk of having a particular condition, might suggest that it's just a case of hiccups. This can lead to serious health issues. Thus, by using the internet to self-diagnose can be unwise because we tend to focus on symptoms rather than the risk of having the illness."
Risks of Misdiagnosis is very high.This misdiagnosis may take two different forms-Self Positivity and Self Negativity wherein people overestimate their risk of falling ill and opposite in the case of self-negativity.For instance, as a layman, a person may get confused with the symptoms of indigestion with a heart pain, only an experienced doctor can give an accurate diagnosis and treatment of the problem.

"There are many diseases but the most frequently searched diseases are those with vague symptoms involving multiple systems. Cancer, genetic disorder, diabetes, hypertension, obesity, antenatal care, gynecological disorder, hormonal imbalance, infertility, headache & fatigue, arthritis, allergy, stress and anxiety, vision & hearing related diseases are a few very common ailments people surf on the internet," said Dr. Ravi Gaur.
Consulting an experienced doctor at the right time gives a much more accurate & reliable diagnosis than the internet.Dr. Ravi Gaur says, "Human body is very complex and dynamic. Physiology and genetics of every individual are very different. No two human beings are alike. So is our response to a disease. Although there may be a common cause, common symptom & sign but the response to a disease and medication differs in every individual."
A slight misinterpretation can result in a wrong treatment of the disease that you don't even possess, therefore, it would be the right thing to trust our doctor and do not be an impatient patient.
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