Passive smoking cause serious hidden diseases, better avoid it as follows
Prof Dr,DRAM,HIV /AIDS,HEPATITIS ,SEX DISEASES & WEAKNESS expert,New Delhi,India, +917838059592
Second-hand smoke is harmful to children and babies as well and can exacerbate the onset of sudden unexplained death in infants (SUDI), bronchitis, pneumonia, and asthma. Breathing secondhand smoke can have immediate adverse effects on your blood and blood vessels, increasing the risk of having a heart attack.An earlier study had also warned that healthy non-smokers who are exposed to second-hand tobacco smoke are at the increased risk of developing coronary atherosclerosis.
Prof Dr,DRAM,HIV /AIDS,HEPATITIS ,SEX DISEASES & WEAKNESS expert,New Delhi,India, +917838059592
Second-hand or Passive Smoking is harmful to children and babies as well and can exacerbate the onset of sudden unexplained death in infants (SUDI), bronchitis, pneumonia, and asthma.Indirect inhalation of cigarette smoke has its own health risks and new statistics have revealed a disturbing fact, saying that about 6 million people die of tobacco use or exposure to secondhand smoke.This accounts for 6 % of female and 12% of male deaths worldwide every year.
Estimates also indicate that by the year 2030, tobacco-related deaths are likely to increase to more than 8 million a year around the world. Exposure to the harmful chemicals in tobacco can also occur through second hand smoking or passive smoking, which is an equally serious health hazard. Non-smokers who live with and around smokers stand a 30% higher risk of acquiring heart diseases.The harmful effects of smoking are already stressed upon time and again, however, passive smoking isn't given as much importance.

Burning a cigarette produces carbon monoxide (CO). Red blood cells can absorb CO faster than oxygen. This CO binds to blood cells which are meant to carry oxygen and thus, the heart has to work harder to carry out its functions normally, straining itself in the process.Mainstream smoke contains more than 4000 chemicals, including chemical irritants and about 70 carcinogens. Side stream is also dangerous because while it has a composition similar to mainstream smoke, the concentration of toxins and carcinogens is often higher. Homes and vehicles are the main places of exposure for children. For adults, it is their work place or social environments.
Here are some ways to avoid exposure to secondhand smoke:
Don't allow people to smoke in our home. Smoke can linger in the air for hours after. Ask guests politely to smoke outside.Don't allow smoking in the car or bus or train.
Visit hotels, restaurants, etc. that have a 100% smoke-free environment. Even with a designated "smoking" area, smoke can make its way around through the air and ventilation system.
Make sure the places where your child spends time, such as daycare, school, or after-school, do not encourage smoking. Ask caregivers and relatives never to smoke around children.
Lastly, if we smoke, quit right away to ensure good health for us and those around us.
Visit hotels, restaurants, etc. that have a 100% smoke-free environment. Even with a designated "smoking" area, smoke can make its way around through the air and ventilation system.
Make sure the places where your child spends time, such as daycare, school, or after-school, do not encourage smoking. Ask caregivers and relatives never to smoke around children.
Lastly, if we smoke, quit right away to ensure good health for us and those around us.
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