Prof Dr,DRAM,HIV /AIDS,HEPATITIS ,SEX DISEASES & WEAKNESS expert,New Delhi,India, +917838059592
Since then there is a hugh shortage of Doctors in the country,instead of opening new medical colleges and hospitals by alotting more budget to Health,many state governments like Chhatisgarh,Tamil Nadu,Maharashtra etc and also Central government through state and central legislations,state and central Health machinary and through cagged parrot state and central MCI which is no more an independant body but only a subsidiary of Government, adopted an easy method to allow all Ayush Doctors like Homeopaths, Ayurvedacharya, Unani Sidha & Prakartik System Doctors to practice modern medicines.
Starting from selection for Different Ayush Courses in different Colleges of their system,their study curicullam and method of study,passing and then practising internship is highly controversial and in most places full of corruption where it is alleged that in many places simple degree is distributed against money.Most important part is that Modern Pathological tests and investigations has been adopted by them bypassing old historic tests conducted by these pathies .
Most of these Doctors mainly practice Modern medicine by passing their method of investigations,medicines and therapy .So this Ayush lobby wants that central government and state government pass laws by assembly and parliament so that they become modern medicine doctors by lateral corrupt entry.Even Government obligded them by passing such order in their assembly and what to talk of State Health administration where many Allopathy doctors are at top ,even State and Central MCI didnot object as who will dare to oppose state and central government as they are in these bodies only by mercy of Government.
Therefore IMA took the batton in its hand and in Chattisgarh put a case in high courst agianst such order against state government,state and central MCI on two ground that whether State Government can pass such order or not and allow persons of other system to practice a system of which one doesnot have any training.IMA highlighted order of Supreme Court saying that persons of other system cant practice modern medicines on the basis of investigations carried out under modern medicines by using modern or allpathic medicines in The Mukhtiar chand vesus Punjab Government case.
Chattisgarh High Cort banned any law permitting such order of state government to allow Ayush doctors to practice modern medicines exceprt any integration course with modern medicines is brough by state Government as per Indian Medicine Central Council Act 1970.

IMA or local or central different associations of Doctors of modern medicines should come forward to stop state and central government to bring such law by going to court in every District and State otherwise Modern medicine doctors will be no where as their couse is very tough first for getting into it and then passing it .For practice they need specialisation and super specialisation which takes 12 to 20 yr of tough study spending their whole youth in hard labor of working in hospitals and study.After passing Government hardly provide a service and even if provide then very low remuneration what a Bureaucrat,Management or IT people get .Secondly in practice they have to face so many quacks which are every where beside so many doctors of other pathies magnet, sublok, rekki, japanese, chinese, acupuncture, acupressure etc therapy.
So it is duty of every modern medicine doctors and student to fight it tooth and nail.What is your opinion regarding this ? what you are doing at personal level to fight it ?
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