Prof Dr,DRAM,HIV /AIDS,HEPATITIS ,SEX DISEASES & WEAKNESS expert,New Delhi,India, +917838059592
If even after getting permission for admission if any irregularities in admission found those admissions will be cancelled as done in Puducherry as MCI does not want take any risk of not following Supreme court order as it will amount to contempt of court and as SC got BCCI president secretary resigned as they didnot follow SC orders as SC can disqualify any office bearer of MCI or even order of arresting them.MCI is already passing through its lowest goodwill and transparency in Inspections as Government is ready to replace it by National Medical Commission any time as BIll already passed by cabinet.
Prof Dr,DRAM,HIV /AIDS,HEPATITIS ,SEX DISEASES & WEAKNESS expert,New Delhi,India, +917838059592
In a historic decision,MCI has cancelled 770 MBBS admission as these admissions were done in violating Supreme court order in seven deemed universities and self financed medical College of Puducherry by themselves doing their own council out of NEET passed students but Supreme Court ordered that these students must be admitted through CENTAC or Centralised Admission Committee in all deemed Universities.
Mci ordered these Institute to cancel and discharge all students admitted through un transparent system taking hugh donations from the back as many students those who are in low rank admitted even after last date of Admission.and directed Health Secretary & DGHS to do it immediately and report to it with in 02 weeks .This happened as Many not admitted students and many students whose paid hugh bribe for admission or could not get admitted complained to MCI and Governor of Puducherry Mrs.Kiran Bedi who also directed such discrepancy to MCI ,Out of 1050 seats only 280 seats were done through CENTAC.
Supreme Court has directed very clearly and loudly cancelling many state high court orders and directed to MCI to see no admission is being done after last date of admission,All deemed Universities have to follow CENTAC for admission and FEEs will be decided by DGHS of state and Universities,only NEET passed merit wise students from both central and state list will be admitted.College has to paste every detail of students ,his/her ranking and fees takes by students.MCI requested all students to write what fees taken,how is teaching going on and how many faculties teaching and how many patients are being admitted on MCI web site.Even NRI students hav to clear NEET examinations.

Therefore through out INDIA if any student or the guardian or parent feel that proper justice has bot be done by any Medical College during or after admission,they must write to their health department, Chief Secretary of concerning state,MCI and Supreme Court.Those admitted students should also write how their studies are being conducted,whether adequate teaching faculties and patients present or not as all has been published by college on their web site,if live footage of study is being sent to MCI and adhar base attendance of teaching faculty and staff is being done or not.
Supreme Court said clearly that it will not allowing medical teaching is cheating one,here Pvt Medical Colleges should refrain from earning thousand crores of black money through wrong admission,ghost faculties and inadequate patients and facilities.SC told Medical colleges should come forward to make good Doctors by good teaching facilities,patients and good adequate faculties for students who must be admitted through NEET ranking at central level,CENTAC,or state list.
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