Prof Dr,DRAM,HIV /AIDS,HEPATITIS ,SEX DISEASES & WEAKNESS expert,New Delhi,India, +917838059592
Such Notices should be published in every news papers and electronicmedia.Doctor friend should see this published on social media too themselves as electronic media hardly show such notices until it is a paid one.It should be followed by every state government and police so that Doctors through out India are protected.
Prof Dr,DRAM,HIV /AIDS,HEPATITIS ,SEX DISEASES & WEAKNESS expert,New Delhi,India, +917838059592
Delhi Police in its recent notification announced that Assault on Doctors whether in Private or Government setup will be a non bailable offence and attract three years imprisonment or both.
Such announcement is very important for Doctors as it is very essential now a days as Politicians, different NGOs and media has put forward such impression of doctors before public that they are only responsible for some unto ward effect of treatment or death or not getting proper treatment for different diseases of patients which is most of the time not true.Complications and untoward side effects occur in every treatment even in best hospitals having all facilities in India or abroad even in best doctors and Death happens to every big shots ,rich or influential person too.
Medical Science is very long journey of study for getting a degree after a hard entry and study for minimum six to fifteen years and after that subject is changing everyday ,new medicines,operations and gadgets and procedures are invented so one has to read through out life to cure some one.Secondly it is a purely science as no short cut bribe to any law officers,income tax officials or bureaucrat to get some work done or to have a favourble order,if a doctors knows the subject and treat accordingly then a result will come so no Doctors can claim he or she cures one person or cures hundred percent with no complications or any complication has not occurred through them in their life.
But Patients coming for treatment want hundred percent cure with no complications so even after payment hugh complications occur then persons mostly in private but some time drag doctors and hospital in consumer court.On Instigation by lawyers and other persons some enforce medical negligence case or criminal case too beside bringing live 24x7 electronic media,print media,social media to defame doctors and hospitals without any trial in court or fir or charge sheet by police.Even reporting to Police or political party or NGOs they come and start abusing doctors and hospitals without knowing any fact.
These people or some relatives along with so called antisocial elements take law in their hand and start beating doctors badly and damaging hospital properties as complications or death occurred or there is a lack of facilities in hospital ( as mostly in Government hospitals for which Ministers,Government,Administrators are responsible not Doctors but as they face public so they bear their assault) often doctors donot retort or reply and simply bear such assault and physical trauma many times which have killed doctors or made doctors very disable.
The Delhi police notice published in newspapers mentions: "A doctor is a life saver. Owing to several reasons, your doctor may be under extreme pressure and thus have regard and faith in him. Assault upon a doctor is a Non-Bailable Criminal Offence and attracts imprisonment for a term which may extend to three years or fine or both under the Medicare Service Personnel and Medicare Service Institutions (Prevention of Violence and Damage to Property) Act, 2008."

IMA and other specialist associtions of India as ASI,API,Fogsi,Dentl,anaesthetic, orthopaedic,eye, ent, urology, neurology,paediatricians,neurosurgeons radiologist,all most all and public health officers and administrators should come forward and press State Government o bring such notice as it is very essential.
Beside this with regular intervals Doctors themselves or through their associations should involve their political and social gatherings to spread such message in public that often doctors are not at fault beside this we have to prevent cut practice and frebbies from pharma house to bring forth a clean image of Doctors in public,every charge should be told in advance and a complete transparency in treatment and bill should be maintained to bring back lost reputation of doctors in public otherwise such laws may prevail but still public will remain abusive and assaulting to us as laws donot check everything as in our country so much strict law for rape constituted but rape is still committed as if persons donot care for punishment.
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