Prof Dr,DRAM,HIV /AIDS,HEPATITIS ,SEX DISEASES & WEAKNESS expert,New Delhi,India, +917838059592
Because of strictness by SC still 1600 medical seats are vaccant this time but still it is strongly doubt in many students who denied seats in other states too that almost same type of racket of blackers are present every where,and these are so powerful that CBI cant dare to question them,only hope left is on SC which should compel MCI to direct every medical college to put on their websites the details of their rank in NEET of MBBS and PG exam ,and how much money taken from them for admission.Even those students denied admission and those who paid excessively must file a case in their local or high court or SC or write to MCI for action exposing well on social media and print media too.
Prof Dr,DRAM,HIV /AIDS,HEPATITIS ,SEX DISEASES & WEAKNESS expert,New Delhi,India, +917838059592
Medical college is a black business of thousand crores,one single MBBS admission giving 1 crore and PG set 3--4 crores stimualted opening of so many Pvt medical colleges in our country in last few years.In last days CBI has arrested Health Secreatay of Puducherry and another IAS officer from state beside it arrested CENTAC or Central Admission Committee chairman,vice chairman and coordinator and Medical director of 07 pvt medical colleges of Puducherry.
In another incidence CBI arrested a retired HHC Judge of Oddisha with two middle men and two directors of Pvt medical college from Lucknow ,this medical college was denied recognition for 02 years by health ministry as MCI pointed many deficiency of teachers and infrastructures.This judge was found meddling as middlemen to bring favourable judgement for this college from their petition at court to get recognised and about 2 crores case recovered by CBI from his house form ,alleged CBI.
This is the real condition of admission of MBBS and PG seats India even SC is so strict and supervising every thing,by simple activity of CBI it is open that how judges ,health Secretaries,Centac Chairman,top bureucrats ,Politicians and rich affluent Businessmen and Industralist has come together to earn crores by admitting students of MBBS and PG taking open money denying admission to NEET cleared deserving students.it is alleged that on day of retirement even SC ex chief justice allowed against bribe of crores from Pvt medical colleges to conduct their faked entrance tests two years back.
In Puducherry,according to a CBI FIR, “The accused officers cheated bona fide students who were issued provisional admission certificate during counselling by the Centralised Admission Committee (CENTAC)” but were later denied the seats they were allocated.It is alleged by the CBI that the public servants in criminal conspiracy with private hospital officials abused their official position and cheated bona fide students. It claimed that as part of the conspiracy, the private medical colleges denied admission to bona fide CENTAC- sponsored students and admitted others collecting exorbitant fees.
On this arrest,Taking to Twitter, the Puducherry Lieutenant-Governor said, "CBI today demolished an historical complex of corruption in medical seats in Puducherry which people had reconciled to. No more."

Until the students and parents ,media,Honest Officers ,Politicians and Judges come forward to finish such open corruption only SC will not be able to curb it as in our country Judiciary,IAS officers ,Politicians, Businessmen and Industralists all are in hand in glove for earning crores in black in name of Medical Education by admitting weak students against bribe.Every Doctor associated with these colleges must expose these colleges as their duty to keep medical education clean and honoured otherwise world will stop recognising out medical degree as already it is being believed that Medical degree in India are procured by bribe.
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