Prof Dr,DRAM,HIV /AIDS,HEPATITIS ,SEX DISEASES & WEAKNESS expert,New Delhi,India, +917838059592
Hence forth MBSS doctors performing surgeries or giving anaesthesia for operations or treating patients for coma,diabetes,hypertension,stroke,MI,lung diseases etc non communicable diseases in ICU,CCU etc will not be considered illegal after a proper training as diploma not in MCI or DNB recognised hospitals but even in good reputed pvt and district hospitals and even AYUSH doctors and trained health workers ,Nurses will be able to tack deliveries and do uncomplicated Abortions,till date all such activites are considered illegal by Ministry and MCI.
Prof Dr,DRAM,HIV /AIDS,HEPATITIS ,SEX DISEASES & WEAKNESS expert,New Delhi,India, +917838059592
Deaths of children in Gorakhpur have shacken the whole nations .As a result of intervention of PMO our Health ministry sent a three member team to search reason behind this.After report from vising team Health Ministry decided along with MCI ,the health infrastructure regulating authority in India to formulate such policies which will shorten inadequacy of so called specialist doctors,nurses and health workers in many hospitals and even in medical colleges in rural areas as in Gorakhpur.As inspite of Government's so called efforts of sending trained Doctors and specialist in these areas failed markedly so Government is thinking seriously relaxation of eligibility norms for doctors and healthcare workers who can handle life threatening critical medical situations.
The ministry plans to soon recognise diplomas from certain reputed institutes to convert MBBS doctors into specialists, allowing them to legally perform surgeries and critical procedures. It is also bringing in provisions to rope in mid-level healthcare workers and Ayush practitioners to do deliveries, noninvasive abortions and do certain types of interventions for treatment of noncommunicable diseases.
The government plans to recognise diplomas from Maharashtra’s College of Physicians and Surgeons (CPS) across the country to convert MBBS doctors into specialists. “MCI has also agreed to the proposal,” a senior health ministry official told TOI.At present, an MBBS doctor without a PG degree is legally not allowed to perform surgeries, anaesthetic procedures or C-section. Only specialists can treat noncommunicable diseases.
About 1 lakh doctors take PG medical examinations every year in India, but only around 25,000 clear it. As a result, a lot of posts in hospitals either remain vacant or are filled with doctors on contracts, who practice at multiple places.Therefore never adequate and good service reach to patients.Health ministry has increased DNB seats markedly and even compelled MCI to increase more PG seats in Government medical colleges relaxing it's norm but recent above decision will produce more specialists.

The three member central government team which visited BRD Medical College in Gorakhpur following the death of over 70 children there over a week, highlighted the problem in its report to the Union health ministry. It said that eight of 12 senior resident or specialist posts are vacant in the hospital.“The number of senior residents (post-MD residents) is grossly inadequate being four against 12 vacancies and they need to be on the floor to provide 24/7 cover and not just during routine hours. It is these post-MD senior residents who take decisive actions as regards patient care and make a significant difference to the quality of care provided to patients.
Currently, the patients are managed beyond routine hours by junior residents who are themselves still students and learning to manage sick patients,” the report stated. The hospital also severely lacked trained nurses.Therefore,Health Ministry took such decision to allow MBBS doctors to perform surgeries,treat patients in icu and critical units as anaesthestist after few months or diploma training and to encourage Ayush doctors and even trained health workers to do deliveries and even non complicated abortions in rural and slum areas .
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