Prof Dr,DRAM,HIV /AIDS,HEPATITIS ,SEX DISEASES & WEAKNESS expert,New Delhi,India, +917838059592
But taking selfie will help us to diagnose our diseases of Liver ,pancreas ,cbd etc including cancer of these organ is really very amazing discovery.Scientists have developed an application that allows people to identify pancreatic,liver,cbd,gall bladder cancer and tother diseases of these organs by just clicking a selfie.One e of the symptoms of pancreatic.liver,cbd,stomach,gall bladder cancer, as well as other diseases of these organs as hepatitis and of Blood disorders is jaundice, a yellow discolouration of the skin and eyes caused by a buildup of bilirubin in the blood, researchers said.
Prof Dr,DRAM,HIV /AIDS,HEPATITIS ,SEX DISEASES & WEAKNESS expert,New Delhi,India, +917838059592
We are taking selfie by our mobile phone with our friend ,family members,dignitaries and other celebrities whenever we feel that we have to keep the memory of that momment while at home,office, recreation centre tour or play ground in our place or on tour.Beside this evolution of social media like facebook,twitter,whatsapp etc has increased our tendency to take selfie and upload it to these platform to connect ourself with our nearones and whole world."Selfie" is most liked exercised phenomena of a Mobile phone.

The ability to detect signs of jaundice when bilirubin levels are minimally elevated - but before they are visible to the naked eye - could enable an entirely new screening programme for individuals at risk, they said.The BiliScreen app, developed by researchers at the University of Washington in the US, uses a smartphone camera, computer vision algorithms and machine learning tools to detect increased bilirubin levels in a person's sclera, or the white part of the eye.
The team developed a computer vision system to automatically and effectively isolate the white parts of the eye, which is a valuable tool for medical diagnostics.The app then calculates the colour information from the sclera-based on the wavelengths of light that are being reflected and absorbed and correlates it with bilirubin levels using machine learning algorithms.
To account for different lighting conditions, the team tested BiliScreen with two different accessories: paper glasses printed with coloured squares to help calibrate colour and a three dimensional (3D) printed box that blocks out ambient lighting.
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