Prof Dr,DRAM,HIV /AIDS,HEPATITIS ,SEX DISEASES & WEAKNESS expert,New Delhi,India, +917838059592
Analysis of EVs generated by infected cells as well as the effects of EVs on viral infection are complicated by the fact that it is almost impossible to separate them from virions in particular from HIV because of the similarities in size and physical properties. Therefore, any HIV preparation is in fact a mixture of HIV virions and EVs.
Prof Dr,DRAM,HIV /AIDS,HEPATITIS ,SEX DISEASES & WEAKNESS expert,New Delhi,India, +917838059592
NANO TECHNOLOGY reveals a new particel VIRION with EXTRA CELLULAR VESICLES or EVs which help in transmission and spread of HIV virus into cells in body.Therefore by exploring more investigations and studies a good Vaccine for HIV which is still lacking and not successful till now ,may be invented soon and then by this vaccine HIV like other disease will be prevented,Beside Vaccine, a new drug which will kill HIV virus directly and also hidden Virus in body will be also formed.
Cells productively infected with HIV-1 release virions along with extracellular vesicles (EVs) whose biogenesis, size, and physical properties resemble those of retroviruses. Here, we found that a significant number of EVs(exosomes) released by HIV-1 infected cells carry gp120 (Env), a viral protein that mediates virus attachment and fusion to target cells, and also facilitates HIV infection in various indirect ways. Depletion of viral preparations of EVs, in particular of those that carry gp120, decreases viral infection of human lymphoid tissue ex vivo. Thus, EVs that carry Env identified in our work seem to facilitate HIV infection and therefore may constitute a new therapeutic target for antiviral strategy.
Until recently EVs were considered to be “cell dust” but now EVs, in particular the small ones (less than 300 nm), are widely studied as a system of cell-cell communication that changes the status of the cells they interact with6, 7. EVs seem to affect viral infection8,9,10,11,12, although, the data on the actual effects of EVs on viral infection are controversial and the mechanisms of these effects remain to be investigated.

Here, we overcame some of these problems by segregating EVs through CD45 and/or acetylcholinesterase (AChE), two proteins that are not incorporated into HIV membranes13,14,15 and thus can be used to distinguish EVs from HIV virions. Using our nanotechnology “flow virometry”.we found that a significant number of EVs generated in HIV-infected cells carry HIV Env, thus being indistinguishable from “defective” viruses. These EVs facilitate viral infection in human lymphoid tissue ex vivo, a system that reflects many aspects of HIV infection of lymphoid tissue in vivo where the critical events of HIV pathogenesis occur.
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