Prof Dr,DRAM,HIV /AIDS,HEPATITIS ,SEX DISEASES & WEAKNESS expert,New Delhi,India, +917838059592

HIV is  a disease which is still invincible,inspite of so many trials we are not able to produce a vaccine against it so that HIV can be prevented as  we cannot eradicate it as we eradicated Polio,Small pox,measles etc.Even today once HIV means we have to take anti HIV medicines called ARV or HAART through out life as if one stops medicine then HIV recurs ,so there is very much need to develop a vaccine against it.This study is a breaking research in that regard.
According to a new study, researchers have discovered a process protecting the body from autoimmune disease appears to prevent it from creating antibodies that can neutralize the HIV-1 virus, a finding that could possibly help lead to a vaccine that stimulates production of these antibodies.The team sought to better understand how the body`s own immune system might be getting in the way of neutralizing the HIV-1 virus.
        The group knew that some patients infected with HIV-1 developed what are known as `broadly neutralizing antibodies,` or bnAbs, that can protect against a wide variety of HIV-1 strains by recognizing a protein on the surface of the virus called Env.But the patients only develop these antibodies after many years of infection.Because of shared features found in a number of HIV-1 bnAbs, scientists suspected the inability or delayed ability to make these type of protective antibodies against HIV was due to the immune system suppressing production of the antibodies to prevent the body from creating self-reactive antibodies that could cause autoimmune diseases like systemic lupus erythematosus.
        At the same time, patients with lupus showed slower rates of HIV-1 infection.Scientists believe that`s because these autoimmune patients produce self-reactive antibodies that recognize and neutralize HIV-1.The process by which the body prevents the creation of antibodies that can cause autoimmune disease is known as immunological tolerance.Torres wanted to break through that tolerance and stimulate the production of antibodies that could neutralize HIV-1.
      The researchers first tested mice with genetic defects that caused lupus-like symptoms.They found that many of them produced antibodies that could neutralize HIV-1 after being injected with alum, a chemical that promotes antibody secretion and is often used in vaccinations.They treated normal mice with a drug that impairs immunological tolerance and found that they began producing antibodies capable of neutralizing HIV-1.The production of these antibodies was increased by alum injections.
And if the mice were also injected with the HIV-1 protein Env, they produced potent broadly neutralizing antibodies capable of neutralizing a range of HIV-1 strains.n every case, the production of these HIV-neutralizing antibodies correlated with the levels of a self-reactive antibody that recognizes a chromosomal protein called Histone H2A.The researchers confirmed these antibodies could neutralize HIV-1.
          Such a good development will be tested i human and that will open pathway to develop a good vaccine against HIV which is still invincible and even after so many efforts throughout world no vaccine has been developed against such dreadly disease which is very lethal today.
