Prof Dr,DRAM,HIV /AIDS,HEPATITIS ,SEX DISEASES & WEAKNESS expert,New Delhi,India, +917838059592
Most Important Research in HIV Persons Reproduction is the new development which allows HIV patients to have their own baby previously HIV patients were not allowed to have their Baby by open sex with their partner as medicines available to control HIV were toxic and were resulting in diminishing of Viral load in body slowly but now with new ARV medicines viral load becomes zero soon and as biral load is zero person becomes less infectious to spread the disease.
I n new study if HIV patient takes their treatment regularly then their viral load of virus usually come down very rapidly and if such person is a male person and if he does have normal vaginal sex with her uninfected wife without condom once or twice during her ovulation period as calculated by menstrual cycle of lady by doctor then Baby born to this type of Discordant couple is usually HIV negative.
Previously such couple were advised IVF a costly procedure where sperm of Infected Male person is washed repeatedly to introduce in his female partner uterus by Artificial Insemination as washing will clear HIV virus from sperm Most Important Research in HIV Persons Reproduction is the new development which allows HIV patients to have their own baby, previously HIV patients were not allowed to have their Baby by vaginal sex with their partner as no good medicines were available so their viral count would be zero very late and as this count is not zero then,patient remains infectious but now it is possible easily with good ARV medicines bringing viral load to zero soon.
In new study if HIV patient takes their treatment regularly then their viral load of virus usually come down very rapidly and but even after sperm washing outside body which is a very tidious excercise as often result is not satisfactory then Couple with consent are advised to have sperm donation of a healthy person from sperm bank .His partner is put on pre exposure prophylaxis immediately after vaginal sex or Artificial insemination.
If Male partner is healthy and Female partner is suffering from HIV then by 1-2 times sex without condom is allowed between such couple provided female is taking medicines regularly and her viral load is negative and then usual baby born to this couple is negative.Beside this safely before the previous procedure,semen of male is injected as in procedure of Artificial Insemination into uterus of this female partner to have baby in that case male partner have no chance of getting HIV remains fullly secured as it was practised till date but in both cases mother continue to have ARV medicines but mostly baby born found positive but now by good and regular ARV baby born is found negative.
Same way if husband and wife positive then too if both taking ARV regularly for few years and their viral load is zero and immunity CD4 raised more than 500-to 700 and if they are allowed to do open vaginal sex only 1-2 times and if conception occurs then miracally child born to them has bee also found negative otherwise such parents were advised till date not to have baby or IVF WITH DONOR from Sperm Bank or safe as Adopting a child or Surrogacy with blind both sperm and egg donations from the banks.
So to get tested and have Medicines as soon as possible so that easily viral load becomes zero and then patients should try to have own baby by normal intercourse provided medicines taken regularly and Viral Load is zero.
Prof Dr,DRAM,HIV /AIDS,HEPATITIS ,SEX DISEASES & WEAKNESS expert,New Delhi,India, +917838059592
Most Important Research in HIV Persons Reproduction is the new development which allows HIV patients to have their own baby previously HIV patients were not allowed to have their Baby by open sex with their partner as medicines available to control HIV were toxic and were resulting in diminishing of Viral load in body slowly but now with new ARV medicines viral load becomes zero soon and as biral load is zero person becomes less infectious to spread the disease.
I n new study if HIV patient takes their treatment regularly then their viral load of virus usually come down very rapidly and if such person is a male person and if he does have normal vaginal sex with her uninfected wife without condom once or twice during her ovulation period as calculated by menstrual cycle of lady by doctor then Baby born to this type of Discordant couple is usually HIV negative.
Previously such couple were advised IVF a costly procedure where sperm of Infected Male person is washed repeatedly to introduce in his female partner uterus by Artificial Insemination as washing will clear HIV virus from sperm Most Important Research in HIV Persons Reproduction is the new development which allows HIV patients to have their own baby, previously HIV patients were not allowed to have their Baby by vaginal sex with their partner as no good medicines were available so their viral count would be zero very late and as this count is not zero then,patient remains infectious but now it is possible easily with good ARV medicines bringing viral load to zero soon.

In new study if HIV patient takes their treatment regularly then their viral load of virus usually come down very rapidly and but even after sperm washing outside body which is a very tidious excercise as often result is not satisfactory then Couple with consent are advised to have sperm donation of a healthy person from sperm bank .His partner is put on pre exposure prophylaxis immediately after vaginal sex or Artificial insemination.
If Male partner is healthy and Female partner is suffering from HIV then by 1-2 times sex without condom is allowed between such couple provided female is taking medicines regularly and her viral load is negative and then usual baby born to this couple is negative.Beside this safely before the previous procedure,semen of male is injected as in procedure of Artificial Insemination into uterus of this female partner to have baby in that case male partner have no chance of getting HIV remains fullly secured as it was practised till date but in both cases mother continue to have ARV medicines but mostly baby born found positive but now by good and regular ARV baby born is found negative.
Same way if husband and wife positive then too if both taking ARV regularly for few years and their viral load is zero and immunity CD4 raised more than 500-to 700 and if they are allowed to do open vaginal sex only 1-2 times and if conception occurs then miracally child born to them has bee also found negative otherwise such parents were advised till date not to have baby or IVF WITH DONOR from Sperm Bank or safe as Adopting a child or Surrogacy with blind both sperm and egg donations from the banks.
So to get tested and have Medicines as soon as possible so that easily viral load becomes zero and then patients should try to have own baby by normal intercourse provided medicines taken regularly and Viral Load is zero.
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