Mizoram comes up with test & treat scheme for better treatment of HIV affected people

Mizoram comes up with scheme for better treatment of HIV affected people

Prof Dr,DRAM,HIV /AIDS,HEPATITIS ,SEX DISEASES & WEAKNESS expert,New Delhi,India, +917838059592

    First of all In India,Mizoram is first state which has adopted policy of providing HIV patients ARV therapy as soon as HIV is diagnosed rather than previously first to ask viral load and CD4 count assessment .In UK and USA now HIV treatment is provided as soon as it is diagnosed so that disease is trgetted as soon as disease comes in existence.But till now in poor countries and even in INDIA ARV tretment is provided through ART centre after detecting CD4 count and it is provided as it is below 350 .
Mizoram Health Minister Lal Thanzara today launched the 'Test and Treat Strategy' of the Mizoram state AIDS Control Society (MSACS) to improve treatment for people suffering from HIV.
Under the 'Test and Treat Strategy', the HIV affected people would be given free Anti Retrovira Therapy (ART) irrespective of the CD4 count.
Lal Thanzara appealed to the churches and NGOs in the state to cooperate with the state government in combating HIV/AIDS at a war-footing.
          ART has been found to be able to resist TB and other bacterial diseases, state health department officials said, adding that majority of the full-blown AIDS affected patients died in the state due to TB infection. 
The Test and Treat Strategy is a new initiative of the Centre to combat the HIV/AIDS disease.
             Such therpy needs more budget but it should be demanded by all AIDS or HIV associations in INDIA as it is a great forward step to combat HIV and AIDS as if disease is controlled in initial phase them symptos of disease HIV as AIDS will not appear and even HIV patients will not transmit disease to its surrounding so openly as with high Viral Load and shall be able to have children too.
