Majority want unregulated private hospital charges to be standardised : Survey=prof dr ram hiv.aids,hepatits expert

Majority want unregulated private hospital charges to be standardised : Survey

PROF .DRRAM,HIV /AIDS,HEPATITIS ,SEX DISEASES & WEAKNESS expert,New Delhi,India,,+917838059592,+919832025033,ON WHATSAPP

In a survey participated in by 40,000 respondents, the majority of citizens want charges at private hospital to be standardised based on hospital ratings.
            Around 87 per cent citizens feel that surgery/procedure charges at hospitals should be standardised to a fixed price based on hospital star rating to increase transparency and trust in healthcare services, according to a survey conducted by citizen engagement platform LocalCircles.“Around 42 per cent citizens do not trust the healthcare system in India and an equal 42 per cent feel that the rising costs in hospitals were a concern for them,” the survey said.
            For 9 per cent respondents, the availability of healthcare services was a cause of concern and for 7 per cent it was the rising cost of drugs and medicines.After almost 15 years, the Union Cabinet approved the new National Health Policy, NHP 2017 that only covers government healthcare providers, which is less than 20 per cent of the healthcare industry now.
            In a local survey 82% want that NHP 2017 is imcomplet if it doesnot regulat Private hospitals whose charges differ from one hospital to another,some best hospitals in metro cities are so costly that they appear as if 5 star hotels where one common men simply cannot afford an outdoor consultancy what to talk of getting admitted,some proedures or operations done.Most important part is that these Hospitals mainly run on rih persons or foreign patients and on insurance companies,it is not know why such insurance company pay these Hospitals 5 to 10 times more for a simple procedure as they pay to small or mediocar hospitals,Insurance company are run through either Government or rich commercial houses many are foreign funded and these big 5 star hospitals are alos built by big indrustalist or commercial house taking Government loans ,a public money and land how our Government appears paralytic and helpless in regulating them as if many politiicians and bureaucrats are their hidden owners  as their charges are very high and gradually insurane company will raise its premium so high that it will be unaffordable to many as if insurance companies and these hospitals are partners and one day will come when poors will be bound to have a big insurance to get treatment.
         out of this survey 8% persons told such regulation disagrred,6% told will not help,4% have no opinion.
In a poor country like us if PRIVATE HOSPITALS will require immediate regulations,otherwise omon men will not get treatment and in name of  or through insurance companies and private hospitals will be a blood sucking agencies due to their very costly treatment and Government should do it immediately as more than 80% people go to them for getting treatment whether they can afford it or not as there is no choice as Government Hospitals mostly lack many facilites including Doctors,instruments,testa and procedures  and human touch. 
