PROF .DRRAM,HIV /AIDS,HEPATITIS ,SEX DISEASES & WEAKNESS expert,New Delhi,India,,+917838059592,+919832025033,ON WHATSAPP
It is common practice among the Doctors that they donot ask at all sexual orientation of patients as whether he is in normal relationship or gay or lesbion or third gender ,sexual performance as sex desire, eagerness, satisfication, Premature Ejaculation,Erecticle Dysfunction or loss of libido,frigidity if patient comes in emergency for any disease and even come for consultancy in opd for many other common diseases which may be related to it .General practitioner ask it in details only if someone come with these problem precisely and are often referred to Andrologist /Urologist for male patients and Gynaecologist for female patients.Such practice is mostly seen if patient is female and of younger age or patients are middle ged and elderly thinking that questions may put patient in some awakard and cumbersome position and patient may not like to furnish detail or will understand something bad for doctors .But this is not true as reveled by the underlying study.
In a report on the study, published in JAMA Internal Medicine, the researchers found that nearly 80 percent of health care professionals believed patients would refuse to provide sexual orientation information, while only 10.3 percent of patients reported they would refuse.Closing that disclosure gap, the investigators say taking sexual history and orientation is very important for all patients and are very essential as without taking sexual hispory ,personal history is incomplete.Many disease like Diabetes,hypertension,Cancer of rogenital areas
,Tuberculosis,HIV,STDs.disease of prostatic,colon,,spinal cord ,Uterine, Cervical parts,skin and even many drug have side effects which affect sexual desire, perforamnce and satisfication .If Sex is not discussed and taken care of many temporary or permanant Psychosomatic changes or even permanant neuro psychiatirc imbalance may occur.
Even dealing with adloscent health ,Sexual orientation and sexual history is very important and adequate counselling or treatment should be provided .Sex education and behavioral teaching should be provided to school lebel to check its long term untoward effect.These are again very important as has the potential to improve the care of lesbian, gay and bisexual patients, a population with historically poorer overall health and less access to health care and insurance compared to the straight population.Until we ask them staight question which most like to answer,we may miss a lot in our clinical history and often blunder mistake may incur due to our treatment due to simple our over confidence and assuming "All is well" tendency.
In modern era,person want to live with dignity in the way one likes to live,therefore in our Indian setup too,intercaste marriage,get together,Living relationship,Extra marital or premarital relationship, contractual marriages and to live life as gay or lesbian is widely present.Many feel their sexual desire is not adequate and complete.So use of medicines for sex enhancing ,or penile increasing or taking care of Erectile dysfunction ,premature ejaculation,to increase Libido ,frigidity even in female is very common.Many use abortion pills like a cake for any early or middle pregnancy either themselves or with the advise of so many semi educated health providers,GP or specialist .Such medicines have a bussiness in crores so sold openly in market by advertisement in print,social, electronic media ,posters and wall writings.So if we neglect to take such history we may miss many things .
Therefore while treating patients,doctor should talently ask about one's sexual orientation and complains while asking some personal questions so that we may not miss some thing very important if not commonly than occssionally atleast.
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