TODAY IS WORLD HEALTH DAY-SLOGAN IS " DEPRESSION LET'S TALK "-prof drram hiv.aids,hepatitis expert


PROF .DRRAM,HIV /AIDS,HEPATITIS ,SEX DISEASES & WEAKNESS expert,New Delhi,India,,+917838059592,+919832025033,ON WHATSAPP

World Health Day is celebrated every year on April 7 to mark the anniversary of the founding of the World Health Organization (WHO). It is an opportunity to draw global attention to and increase public awareness about a topic of public health importance.This year, the World Health Day focuses on depression with the theme “Depression: Let's talk” with the aim that more people with depression, in all countries, seek and get help.
    As per the WHO, 1 in 4 persons will suffer from a mental disorder in their lifetime and 10% of the population suffers from depression at any given point. Unfortunately unlike other diseases with evident physical symptoms, people living with depression do not get the necessary help given the strong social stigma attached to the condition. The need of the hour is to raise mass level awareness about how the medical fraternity, caregivers and peers or Family Members / Social Friends /Colleagues /Neighbours  can help mental health sufferers.
In a clinical setting, there are often crowded rooms and physicians get little time to interact with each patient. Sharing private and sensitive information in such an environment can seem overwhelming for the patients. Even if they are willing to divulge the details, they may hesitate to do so in the first sitting itself. With this background, The campaign warrants that the physician should politely question patients regularly and multiple times, about sensitive information related to depression, alcohol use, smoking habits, drug abuse, and sexual needs and preferences.
"A General Practitioner (GP) is the first point of contact for a patient and must be sensitized on ways in which they can diagnose signs of depression amongst patients and help them seek appropriate care. This program is in line with the MCI’s (Medical Council of India) new guidelines that state that 10% of all medical education programs should focus on mental health. 
It has been also highlighted by diffent medical organisations that the government can play in dispelling the stigma around mental health issues. “First and foremost it is crucial that the treatment of depression and other mental health disorders is included in insurance cover. Presently, chronic patients often do not openly come out and talk about their issues out of the fear that their mediclaim may get rejected,as Depression is not covered by Insurance Company ”.
             Depression is now present in all persons aleast in his/her life at some point,situation and time because Human is superior to all because he thinks ,for any his/her will ,work,job,not completed or loss of belongings,persons,wealth,respect,power,position,success or inability to get food,shelter,cloth,education, treatment,cure or even some time jealousy where other's success,achievment,elevation Depression come. Present day life styles,desire to achieve more and more,dissatisfication,greed,anger,easy accessible by net,mobile,tv,news paper etc  to any news,reports of sucessful or affluent persons,events,treatment oppurtunities or causing harm onself  on 24x7 social,elcronic ,print media is root cause of Depression beside poverty ,lack of education,resources or modern terrorist or inter nations rivarly as in iraq,syria, isarael,somalia etc.          
     Although Most can control it self as being counselled in family by parents/relatives,siblings,spouse etc immediately or in past during upbringing or in society through friends/colleagues/neighbours/co workers etc by simple watching these people and getting self trained.Teaching of teachers in primary ,secondary schools,colleges,universities or Religious gurus in different occassions at home or in society or in different religious rituals or occasions also teach one how to contorl emotions,anxiey,fear,apprenhesion,tension etc or controlling 'DEPRESSION".But few cant handle it properly and becomes patient of Depression .Every professional suffer from Depression and even Doctors who is the healer of Depression in the society,themselves suffer from Depression too much at least on ground of good and adequate medical education (beside familial, other personal and social cause ) and then getting recognition in society in the form of name,fame,reputation and money.
    The Indian government estimates that 6-7% of the country’s population lives with major to minor mental health concerns. This amounts to approximately 70 million Indians, with the number increasing every year. Despite the large number of people who require mental health attention, It is a fact that there is the shortage of mental health care professionals in our country. India has only 6,500 trained psychiatrists and even fewer psychologists. The need of the hour is to arm doctors with the resources required to help patients receive appropriate medical attention.Regarding Doctors tackling Depression in our country still most Doctors prefer medications which are mostly either hypnotics or sleeping pills with some mood elevators and anti anxiety medications as most are very busy and lashed with so many patients that hardly a good history is taken,patients are not given enough time and enviornment so that they can express it correctly and properly to Doctors either alone or with family members/friends/colleagues/caretakers.While situation demand that they are properly listened and then counselled by doctor or psychiatrist in one or multiple sittings lasting from few minutes to hours."COUNSELLING NOT PILLS " IS BACKBONE OF TREATING DEPRESSION FOR ITS PERMANANT ERADICATION OR CONTROL.MONITORING AND SURVEILLANCE BY FAMILY OR CARETAKER IS ESSENTIAL TO PREVENT RECURRANCE AFTER CONTROL OF  ONE EPISODE AS THEY RECUR TOO MUCH.Many persons are addicted to alcohol,smoking,Ganza, Bhang/mirzuana drugs or other bad habits to control depression as common belief in society that they handle or correct it,which is never true,care by A well trained Doctor/Psychatrist/Social activist/Reformer / family members/social friend,colleagues/Religious Gurus /Teachers  can only prevent and cure it. 
On World Health Day, let us take a pledge to educate people that depression is like any other chronic physical ailment. It is no different from diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension. All these conditions are treatable and manageable by necessary lifestyle changes, therapy and medication.
