PROF .DRRAM,HIV /AIDS,HEPATITIS ,SEX DISEASES & WEAKNESS expert,New Delhi,India, profdrram@gmail.com,+917838059592,+919832025033,ON WHATSAPP
"WEST BENGAL CINICAL ESTABLISHMENT BILL 2017 is DISCRIMINATIONG & DEROGATORY FOR DOCTORS & HOSPITALS ,it might be presented only in West Bengal but soon politicians in every state will bring it in their state for public sympathy as CM re0f West begal requested to implent it throughout India. A violant prompt reacting furious CM of West Bengal has instigated a war against Doctors and Hospitals by bringing such bill against Doctors and Hospitals in West Bengal in hurry without referring it to select committee of Health of WB Assembly or listening to opposing members.Here first only pvt doctors and Hospitals are targeted but gradually all doctors and health Establishment will be punished.No body will be spared although now it states for those on Pvt sectors but most govt Doctors practice in Pvt sectors and many big Pvt sectors run many diagnostic centres in govt hospitals as PP partenership too. Now so many patients will raise complains of wrong treatment during or after treatment as it is natural that disease may not be cured completely as all chronic diseases may have complications or side-effects of medicines or of investigations or of noscomial or iatrogenic causes.Even completely cured pt may not like Doctors behaviour, conditions of Hospitals or set up, or of Doctor' staffs.A charge of excess money taken is very common or if pt goes somewhere else after or during treatment ,other Doctors may opine that pt was not properly or adequately treated.so such patients will lodge complain by a simple online application to a Commission as per this Bill. Against Doctors and Hospitals,A Consumer court is already available for prompt action although after so many years of its presence, Supreme Court realised that it is causing more damage to patients or unnecessarily booking Doctors for their no fault studying and realising natural course of Disease and it's curing process so they diluted it in repeated judgements as it raised unnecessary investigations,delay of treatment and cost to patients for hard-working scientists or Doctors as scientists or judges are not blamed for negative researches or wrong judgement. so SC realised that Doctors can't be blamed, Doctors arranged the process of healing by his past,present knowledge and future coming researches , always it is Nature or GOD heals or cures) But our politicians and Bureaucrats think otherwise as Court is not arresting or punishing Doctors or Hospitals ,so a NEW Bill was brought by a so-called people friendly CM .So now unnecessarily,cases of medical negligence or excessive pricing will be filled in a Commission appointed by Bill.Complain will be filled by simple writing to commission on paper or online.Any body filling wrong complain will not be punished rather such wrong complains wii get media highlights everyday and reputattion of Doctors and Hospitals will be jeopardised .Most patients barring few, feel that Doctors and Hospital as culprit after treatment so hugh complains will be registered as it is now as easy platform provided by state in every town city of West Bengal.This commission will opine in maximum time of only 6 months,so prompt punishment order will come . The biggest blunder of this bill that Doctors and Hospitals can't complain against it's decision in local or district court ,they have to go to High court or supreme court and can file writ petition only there which involves expense of lacs of rupees and delay of 1-2 yrs till then local or national media will completely disrepute and malign Doctors or Hospitals .Some persons directly lodging complain or otherwise so-called activists who always feel relaxation for beating thrashing or damaging Doctor hospitals will do their job after or during discharge of pts or during or after judgements by the said commission. A pandora box of abusing, maligning, disreputing to Doctors and Hospitals has been opened by a state which should protect and conserve such Nobel hard working scientists but for Few untoward accidents and incidences whole families of Medical world will be booked and penalised. No Doctor or Hospital want that excessive charges being taken or not releasing dead body or stopping treatment if money not paid or deny admissions of rape or accidents patients.Doctors deny patients mostly as Facilities or doctors are not available at that time at their setup as it may be a small or having a lack of that facilities at that time of emergency.No doctors or Hospitals support inhuman works and patient and Government is free to take action against such wronger doers by police or administration. Beside administration,there are consumer,civil,criminal courts or mere information or complain to local police or club or local leaders or political parties in Bengal who can solve it easily ,for this why to bring such discriminating and derogatory bill ? As excessive pricing and defective goods are given in all kind of business and profession,cheatings, Fraud, lying,murders ,rapes, robberies ,fights etc happening in society daily .Will our politicians bring very tough law like this to prevent these too? as chopping hands,or open day light gallows as practised in Gulf, where accused cant defend,any body can malign,harm, beat,disrespect him/her . A so-called commission of retired judges and bureaucrats will decide his/ her fate in 6 months as Doctors treating or running Hospitals will be arrested immediately by police on complain as he/she will be assumed as culprit from first complain to police and after complain to Commission for simple natural untoward complications or result of diseases. Doctors can be jailed for 2 yrs or even 10 yrs or a fine of 10 to 50 lacs as compensation and closure of Hospitals may be ordered by this commission having no sitting judges but only ex bureaucrats and retired judges selected by politicians on their choice.So all opposing voices can be shut by such unlawful commission.such thing can be practiced in a Banana state not in a Democracy.It was a rule of ancient time where masters were punishing their slaves like this where accused can't defend. Except IMA,there is hardly any strong reactions against it by medical Faculties and Associations and MCI as everywhere Doctors are inside opposing it but openly not speaking as most are in Government services so they can be suspended or transferred,many are direct or indirect members of Didi party or don't want to instigate Didi or its fellow leaders to save themselves. Opposition or police has-been finished in Bengal so every where silence is present. Let time pass there will be a such bad atmosphere for Doctors and Hospitals that they will either close their Hospitals or Doctors will avoid to treat serious patients at all,no risk of treatment assuming of good result in seriously injured or acute Mi,renal diseases,bad pregnancies, cancers,IVF,brain diseases, strokes ,cancers,severe gi liver or even skin respiratory diseases will be entertained as any untoward result or excess money means a disrespect dishonour,a fine of lacs and jail. No body can assess one time expense for any medical emergency except few routine surgery like appendix,gall bladder ,hernia,common delivery and minor surgeries or treating OPD gi or respiratory liver,skin or eye ENT dental diseases etc and even in these, many times complications comes and expense raises many fold even when Doctors treat themselves or their relatives. so how like selling a commodity any price of diseases and treatment can be fixed before hand ? as it is mandatory to tell patient all expense in details before start of treatment and after this no expense can be added.Barring Doctors,lawyers,charted accountant.,tax advocates, engineers,teachers,coaching peoples,scientists,technicians, judges all does profession so there is professional immunity,they can't be challenged in court. But for Doctors,first Central government made us businessmen and industrialists so a CONSUMER COURT was established to see Doctors which is only present in India only. Doctors are hardworking soft minded selfish community which can never fight as other professionals fight stopping work all together as all united together as many doctors don't want irritate their government as working in Government or harm their good practice.They think any such big protest as a loss of time,badeye,money and fun so most bear it silently as it is now in West Bengal. Since Modi did demonetisation to harass common people same way now all other politicians make prompt and hard bills for TV breaking news and media head lines for winning heart of common people to hide their mismanagement of corruption as of Sharda, Narda,taking illegal party funds,paralysing police, opposition,crushing all Anti voices by power,capturing others land and properties, blocking any new investors etc. But the fact is something else, due to such Bills, Doctors and Hospitals will stop working or taking risks in small setup so small and medium Hospitals will close itself or after few complains. As after consumer court inception, Doctors ask much investigations and involves many co doctors to treat a slight confusing disease or like to treat such patients in a high set up.so cost of treatment will rise and ultimately patient has to pay high money.Same way now even starting treatment of accidents or rape they will refer Pt immediately to higher centres .so now higher centres having investments of crores having best immediately round the clock available law minds in High,Supreme Court will treat such patients so cost will raise beyond expectation as in this bill no limit of charge is present. only you should have a tariff as tariff is always present in five star hotels too. Doctors will stop practicing in small their centres will join bigshots ,shall have indemnity cover ,more care for taking very clearly written consent with all charges mentioned and chances of escalating charges if complication.so now everyday a consent and bill will be provided,people will be told before admission all details,paper work will increase and EVERY DOCTOR AND HOSPITAL WILL ADOPT IT .so cost of treatment and harassment of patients Will increase,every doctor or hospital will keep their lawyers or indeminity. So it will be ultimately loss to common people who feel that CM has done a great job but will scold her later as treatment will be difficult and costly.An idea has been spread by politicians that doctors and Hospitals are doing all bad works,suck patients blood for cheap political gains. our associations and forums should work hard to restrain government to malign our reputation by such laws which will never catch hold of talented doctors who is are highly educated and talented out of so called buraeucrates and others are infact a day to day research doing scientist .Now ,He /she has to be more cautiousand select the patient .Doctor has to prepare himself and then have to treat patients doing all investigations and even at good place and time,no more casual approach,no hurry, no emotional or human approach in haste is required.Doctors will do more paperwork daily then shall start treatment, written consent or information of treatment complications and bill shall be provided daily basis by employing more accountants, PROs,security and lawyers. These politicians can't control Baba and other natural healers, quacks selling medicines and all products of prompt cure on tv,newspapers .most homeo,ayurvedic,unani sidha ,pharmacists and many quacks ,so-called healers etc practice as doctors in villages ,town, cities writing modern medicines and even operates illegally.Everwhere false claims of great and prompt good treatment are made ,many centres of such quackery run with Hugh charges of treating all serious diseases starting from fracture,sex, diabetes, heart,brain and even cancers etc with hugh patients but our CM or her police or Dm or cmo or dcp can't see it as these politicians often are inaugators of the centres and chief guest in the functions. Only MBSS or allopathic doctors are criminals ,inspite of their study for 8 to 14 yrs after HS and daily study and research doing everyday hardwork of protecting someone life sacrificing their holiday,relaxation and luxury as meagre money comes so they don't like it.As most doctors procure car and home by loan as it is provided by Bank to them , politicians always consider them corrupt .But fact is this Many doctors are earning very less in 4-5 figures only where a newly passed tachy or Managy or bureaucrats or elected mla or mp earn in 7 figures and what they earn as commission in different works of government or ngo or social work is in 7 to 8 digit or no limit but still Doctors are their eye sore. Every Doctor and their Association should come forward to educate society to remove such mindset immediately otherwise if we remain silent as usual it is done by Doctors as much damage to our family will occur by such Discriminatory Derogatory bills. Personally I and you may know and will practice to save our selves but why such law?why doctors are only targeted and pointed before public that these are doing wrong things as they are doing business not profession to earn only by unhealthy means .Why our politicians and Bureaucrats blame Doctor and Hospital without understanding Nature of Medical treatment which is always unpredictable as Scientific research where cost and result can't be predicted and cost may raise up by many times and research result may be negative inspite of hard works of days to years. So IMA advised all Doctors to be awake and fight it irrespective of bearing immediate loss.
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