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Why our Government is targeting only Doctors in name of GIFTS / PRESENTS by Pharmaceutical Company to curb highly inflated price of few medicines in market is a serious question in mind of every Doctors,It appears that the government instead of seriously thinking to control the price of Medicines is making headlines and Breaking news for cheap popularity . Government is so serious and adamant in its proposal that even Rs 1000 or even less any kind of present or articles or sponsoring even medical conferences etc. will not be allowed and here fine will be imposed on doctors to a tune of getting their registrations suspended by state and central MCI register and pharma companies may be banned or a heavy fine will be inflicted on them. BUT THE GRITTY NITTY OF RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN DOCTOR AND PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES IS VERY COMPLEX AND CANT BE UNDERSTAND IF WE DONOT GO DEEP IN TO IT AS WRITTEN BELOW.
On first look, it appears very nasty and bad that Doctors take gift or presents starting from a costly car to a mobile phone to laptop to a simple writing pad or pen or calendar /diary, or few medicine samples or get their study or conference or seminar sponsored by Pharma company either alone or with family members to write some pharma products. It is a known fact that except few doctors, most doctors get some kind of gift or present from pharma companies as Medical Representative visit these doctors in their chamber or hospital or private clinic to advertise their pharma products and getting them written on prescription of a patient but barring few,no doctor ask for such gift or present or even sample medicines, it is voluntary provided by medical companies and if such things are not provided even then doctors write these products as every medicine has got a pharma name once it is approved by CDC in USA or Indian drug controller but these medicines are not available in market by these names but pharma companies bring it in another name of their choice so if this name is not known to a doctor then he/she can’t write this product, so every Doctor has to know whether a new Pharma medicine is available in his/her local market or not and if so then in which name, therefore it is an old practice of hundred years all over world that medical representative meet doctors and tell about their product not only its name but its correct doses, indications and many side effects and its comparative study with another similar product available in market .
Most important aspect of this pharma companies and Doctor relationship is hidden in a fact that these pharma commercial name is not taught to a Doctor in Medical Curicullam nor Doctors use them in teaching their medical students or in writing their research work in journals or in academic seminars,they use only chemical or Generic name of a Medicine as taught in PharmaƧology,But Doctors have to crane thesecommercial 5-10 names of a single Generic or chemical name of a Medicine as they are available in market in different commercial names as decided by the company which manufacture that product as Chemist at dispensing medicines shop only know these commercial names.Government tells a Doctor write Generic name,question remains how that medicine will be served if chemist can't deliver it,secondly all person choose their own company as it is public mindset that quality differ as company changes as Philips tube light or Sony TV set or Tata salt or tea ,the quality matters on its company goodwill so a patient also choose medicine of some international and reliable brands themselves too.So Doctors are not at fault always.For better Stop Pharma companies to tag their name to an one Medicine and use only Generic name But this will close all pharma companies so better bring a law where Doctors can be blamed or charged for high price and take applauds from General public or make news headline or TV breaking news how Government is regulating medicine price to such a cheap level.
Such practice is done in every trade of starting from house hold sugar, rice, wheat, mobile, laptop and costly cars but there is no ban on them, these things can be sold by any number of advertisement in newspaper, TV, social media or by bribing to manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers or agents. these products can be sold by even celebrities on false promises on TV, media, newspapers or even directly selling in market by their promotions as ambassadors but medical profession is an ideal so all purity and honesty should be rest on their soldiers even they are subjected to hefty tax and fines on their day to day purchasing all their daily use products as another common men. If our government is so sincere to curb mal practices in medical profession, government should ban all pharma companies who make these products and sell them in a profit of 100 to 1000%, government know this but can’t ban them as our pm goes to foreign countries to bring them to invest in India but no company will come here to loose. So why doctors are regulated, better regulate companies, do not allow any medical representatives to a doctor but government can’t do this ,government should ban all kind of advertisement in TV, media, social sites, banners or on radio why only medicines and doctors are targeted? By targeting doctors in this form is seriously jeopardizing its respect and honor in society as public think that doctors are thieves and robbers they loot their patient by taking high price of stents or medicines or promote medicines for getting gifts and present. Can our government dare to ban all advertisements of pharma companies in medical journals, seminars and conferences as all medical journals published, associations and seminars are conducted with the help of these pharma companies ?
Secondly Educational seminars,debate workshops are conducted by teachers,scientist,
Lawyers,Engineers ,Lawmakers,farmers,Newsmen, businessmen,industralits,politicians etc for knowing their field better way for better unions and promoting their product or study at Village,town ,district,state and international levels and all are promoted and financed by some companies or public money but Doctors have to conduct these on their own money as Medical profession is a noble profession so no dirt on their forum is acceptable to so called most sacred and holy politicians.Better practice before you preach.Stop raising finger towards a Doctor without understanding the real culprit of high price of Medicine and Treatment in our society,all raised prices are because of corrupt politicians an bureaucrats which allow pharma companies to put high price as they are bribed and secondly regulating authority,sold out media,judges never check it as they are bribed too.Starting from a highly costly medical education to a highly priced in affordable treatment our society composed of corrupt and Ghuskor politicians,bureaucrats,police ,health and pharma Deparment and irresponsible bribed media and judiciary is responsible not an isolated Doctor although it is now a fashion and easy way that shoot a Doctor to get name fame and headlines.
It is high time every doctor should raise voice either independently or through his/her associations against doctor which malign a doctor.
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