Reason Why HIV Patients may not want to Start HIV Medication,yes it is their right to reject but but remain educated informed and true to yourself

Reason Why HIV Patients may not want to Start HIV Medication,yes it is their right to reject but but remain educated informed and true to yourself
PROF.DRRAM ,HIV/AIDS,SEX Diseases, Weakness & Hepatitis Expert,+917838059592,+919832025033,DELHI,INDIA
There are a lot of considerations that go into a decision to start medications for HIV. It is true that the earlier that a person starts medications, the better the long-term outcomes.Here are five points that people like to consider when talking about HIV medications.
Not everyone is ready to commit to medications.:--- This doesn't make a person bad, it simply means that they are not ready to commit. Most people are forced to consider this question only days after being told that they have HIV. I am here to tell you that it takes time to wrap your head around that news.
If you are actively using drugs such as heroin, meth or crack :--- suggestion is not starting medications. This can be counter-intuitive to what we might think. people routinely who are actively using drugs to hold off on starting medications. Adherence and compliance is what we are considering when a person is actively using. When a person isn't adherent to their HIV medications there is a higher probability that the virus will mutate and the person could become resistant to medications.
Do your own research on the medications and choose for ;;;;;-This is your health; the most important person that needs to be the most involved is you. This can be a challenge for some since this actually means that you need to be engaged in your own healthcare. Ask questions. If you do not understand something have the medical staff explain it to you.
There is no shame in not being on medications;-----. There is this tendency to shame people to start HIV medications. This feeds into society's concept of "us versus them." We have successfully created an under-class of people, those who are undetectable versus those people who are not medicated. The fact is that it is your health and you have the right to choose whether to be medicated or not.
Do not feel pressured to account to people :----as to whether you are on medications or not. Honestly, it is nobody's business whether you are medicated or not. When people ask questions, and they will, simply tell them that is personal and you would rather not discussing it.
Be honest with yourself as to why you want to or do not want to start medications. You need to know that it is your choice to start these medications. That being said, do not make excuses to yourself as to why you are not starting them. "The side effects are horrible and the meds are worse that the disease itself." That is simply not true. Here is another one that which is also not true, "I can't afford the medications." There are programs that will cover the medications so for most people this is not a valid argument. If you simply are scared to start the medications, that is ok. It is however important that we be honest with ourselves.
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