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O REVISE PROF.DRRAM ,HIV/AIDS,SEX DISEASES,SEX WEAKNESS & ABORTION SPECIALIST,07838059592, DELHI –NCR,marriage & sex counseling FOLLOW ON FACE FOLLOW ON IN 1860 THOMAS BABINGTON MACAULAY introduces section 377 in IPC to penalise as prisonment for sex beside natural one between Man woman than woman-woman-man-man or man animals. how ever on the plea of National Human right commission as all people regardless of their sexual orientationor gender identityshold be able to enjoy their human rights,it is fundamental right dignity,liberty and equability and perogative of a person way they live their life in their close door with consensual desire of sexwithout doing any crime socially .therefore on july2,2009 Delhi High Court legalised Homosexual acts between consenting adults in private.Court said such criminalistion will discriminate LGBT COMMUNITY AND HINZRAS .The court dded that the provision had the effect of viewing all gay men as criminals which is wrong Whole LGBT COMMUNITY including many Gay workser like VIKRAM SETH,ASOK,mr.ANIRUDDH and NAAZ FOUNDATIONS are aginst it and along with congress politicians like Sonia,Rahuletc pressurised Govt of India to file a review petition against Supreme court justice on dec11,2013 headed by Justice Singhvi which criminalise it again saying consensual homosexual is a crime as this section is not unconstitutional as it merely identified certain acts as an offenseand didnot criminalise a particular people or identity or orientation and further added that a miniscule population of India constituted LGBT COMMUNITY and only 200 persons has been prosecuted till now under this section 377 from 1860 only. LGBT community highly suspicious of this data,discrimination,stigma and crimality add more worries,harassment ,discriminationof Gay,Sex workrers is well known in society,our society doesnot accept DISEASES HIV /AIDS patient because of their disese same way persons of LGBT COMMUNITY are sho down upon openly in society,no body cares and bothers for them a hatredness and being awy from them attitude is well known fact and police harass ,beat and do unwanted sex and extort money with fear of imprisonment from them as wellas known hetrosexual sex workers too. Many religious fundamentals from Muslim,Hindu and Christian religion are aginst it so many political paries donot want it to be revised and consider it as a criminal offense as they say that it protects gay whereas many girls are too affected by it,it increase sex with male children or paedophiles is justified,it will increase AIDS /HIV and other sexual transmitted diseases like herpes,syphillis,gonorrhoea, chlamadiya, LG,IG etc in society as RECENT DATA SHOWS AIDS /HIV OR STDs are more prevalent in GAYS in world,mostly western midia and indian english midia whose owners are in UK OR USA want to push LGBT in INDIAN society to damp our culture and sell sex toys and other products and have a target of marketing in INDIAL LARGE MARKET OF 1.3 billions people,but POPULATION OF LGBT IS MUCH MORE THAN WAHT ADVOCATED by our society in supreme court now a large population including many celebrity like vikram seth sailina jetley is either gay and lesbians and many by nature are trans genders and bisexuals or hinzras they choose to live after sex surgeries or without it the way they choose to live either male or female.Secondly such prominant judgment was passed by 02 bench of judges only not at least 5 judges bench as done by a group of judges in UK and USA.NACO has said that criminalisation will prevent LGBT to seek treatment once their symptoms come as they will hide their disease and act so AIDS /HIV AND OTHER STDs will raise and MEN TO MEN SEX in perverted manner is a disease not if done with protection of condom or doing safe sex so consensual sex in private room cannot be acccepted as crimanality.This laws was made 150 yrs back in Britian where it was repealed in 1967 so,there is space of such law in 21st century .
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