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When due to acute myocardial infarction or ischaemia or after a heart attack in common language when we investigate by CT guided Scan or by Angiography seeing patency of arteries of heart or cornary arteries and if we find significant Blocks then our Intervention cardiologist suggest us to by pass such blocks by using Stents or pipe loaded with medicines to pass from our thigh or wrist to heart under X-rays called Cardiac Arteries Scanning or Angiography machines in CATH LAB without going for Cardiac surgeries either open heart or by Endoscopy to by pass these blocks.
now a days better anticoagulant loaded Medical stents are available.As shown below these stents keep these arteires patent for more days as they always liberate some medicines sothat these bloks by thombosis or deposition of bad fats doesnot happen.
Newer–generation drug–eluting stents, particularly the everolimus–eluting stent, significantly reduce the risk of target vessel revascularization (TVR) in patients with ST–segment–elevation MI (STEMI) without increasing the risk of adverse safety outcomes, including rates of stent thrombosis, when compared with bare–metal stents. Published online August 6, 2013 in Circulation: Cardiovascular Interventions, the analysis showed that compared with the sirolimus–eluting stent (Cypher, Cordis), the paclitaxel-eluting stent (Taxus, Boston Scientific), and bare–metal stents, the use of an everolimus-eluting stent reduced the relative risk of stent thrombosis 62%, 61%, and 58%, respectively. — with Shreya Nakipuria and 2 others.
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