EVERY LEADER IS ALMOST CORRUPT ACROSS ANY PARTY LINE as their is no choice for them except to be correct,so a recent survey showed that every year a ruling politician property is five times adays routinely many good photos as below in this attachment is published on social media people wrie a lot over this as their anger and view so that netas are bound to read and change the society by changing themselves and the person s,bureaucrats and officials under them and bring a good change but our such effort has got no value for them.
They donot care for it,if we meet them no effect,only thing matter that too if many people comes on road burn motors,bus or train and do some harms and as a retaliation by police fire or lathi charge some dies and many injures then a national news for few days provided there is no other national drama like fixing in cricket or major accident like of uttrakhand mishape otherwise national media will not give space to such movement so no media no effect on government first they conduct an enquiry which takes 1-2 month and till then all our movement goes away.or a RAPE lIKE ACCIDENT then a judicial commission and all is mostly washed away.
this is india,no effect on them,they will win election again and donot care at all even photos they send are pre fixed,media politicians,bureaucrats and judges all fixed live in corrupt india our such wrting a laugh for them.
so question is this,why we write and waste time,no such is not the answer,if we write we encourage others to write,it shows we are concerned for nation beside for our selves,we may be a meNING LESS ONLY FEW PERSON MAY READ IT EVEN A SINGLE PERSON STIMULATED OR INSPIRED BY US MAY BE HELPFUL,we become more concerned for our democrtic wright and it may affect changf GANDHIJI SIMPLY PROTESTED AGIANST SOUTH AFRICAL BRITISH AUTHOTORIAN GOVERNMENT IN A RAILWAY PLATFORM ,IN 1857 MANGAL PANDEY REVOLTED AGAINST BRITISH ARMY AS A SIMPLE HAWALDAR IN ARMY
all these changed the society,our leadersthink ,nothing will happen ,they are immortal but this is not true
EVERY LEADER IS ALMOST CORRUPT ACROSS ANY PARTY LINE as their is no choice for them except to be correct,so a recent survey showed that every year a ruling politician property is five times adays routinely many good photos as below in this attachment is published on social media people wrie a lot over this as their anger and view so that netas are bound to read and change the society by changing themselves and the person s,bureaucrats and officials under them and bring a good change but our such effort has got no value for them.
They donot care for it,if we meet them no effect,only thing matter that too if many people comes on road burn motors,bus or train and do some harms and as a retaliation by police fire or lathi charge some dies and many injures then a national news for few days provided there is no other national drama like fixing in cricket or major accident like of uttrakhand mishape otherwise national media will not give space to such movement so no media no effect on government first they conduct an enquiry which takes 1-2 month and till then all our movement goes away.or a RAPE lIKE ACCIDENT then a judicial commission and all is mostly washed away.
this is india,no effect on them,they will win election again and donot care at all even photos they send are pre fixed,media politicians,bureaucrats and judges all fixed live in corrupt india our such wrting a laugh for them.
so question is this,why we write and waste time,no such is not the answer,if we write we encourage others to write,it shows we are concerned for nation beside for our selves,we may be a meNING LESS ONLY FEW PERSON MAY READ IT EVEN A SINGLE PERSON STIMULATED OR INSPIRED BY US MAY BE HELPFUL,we become more concerned for our democrtic wright and it may affect changf GANDHIJI SIMPLY PROTESTED AGIANST SOUTH AFRICAL BRITISH AUTHOTORIAN GOVERNMENT IN A RAILWAY PLATFORM ,IN 1857 MANGAL PANDEY REVOLTED AGAINST BRITISH ARMY AS A SIMPLE HAWALDAR IN ARMY
all these changed the society,our leadersthink ,nothing will happen ,they are immortal but this is not true

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