A Healthy and Natural Way of Family Planning - Natural Birth Control
As a form of contraception, you can use natural birth control and it can also regulate your fertility. Some cultures and religions believe that birth control should not be artificial and using any devices or drugs is not accepted.
Couples who avoid sexual intercourse and periodic abstinence is sometimes considered a birth control method. Some natural options include:
Enjoy Sex With Natural Power and Birth Control: -
Rhythm method
Withdrawal method
Standard days method
Using the calendar
If the woman is using a natural method it gives her a good understanding of the cycles her body goes through. This way she can stay more tuned with some of the smaller signals that her body will give her.
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This is a pretty safe method of birth control, as there is no use of chemicals or drugs. Also, as an added benefit, this is a pretty inexpensive way to go. If one decides to get pregnant is very easy to change your mind.
Contraception should be used at all times to avoid an unwanted pregnancy. Always consult with your doctor to decide what option is best for you. By considering the use of the natural birth control method you are not interfering with the natural workings of your body.
Today we are looking for new ways to keep our bodies healthy and free of chemicals. By not having to take the pill, or the patch, which is also a hormone release we can find a way to be healthy and still avoid an unwanted pregnancy.nos sex in mid cylce of woman,calculate day from ist day of menstrual cycle suppose it is Ist june then avoid sex from 07th 21st june is useful but it is only if mens cycle is of 28 days so individual varaition is there,pleast talk to your doctor if possible to calculate safe period,sex during mens lead to some infection and blood soiling but it is 1005 protective for pregnancy.
The natural way of family planning might not be 100% certain so you have to go about it in a foolproof manner. Always consult with your doctor or your nurse practitioner to decide the best methods to use.
Even we are not sure about it then condom is very useful as prevents pregnancy and protect from sex diseases like HIV/AIDS, GONORRHOEA, SYPHILLIS etc if partner is not reliable one but most male partner doesnot like it as it takes time to put on and they dont have time after excitement so vaginal contraceptive in aform of tablet or gel is very Effective to Get Maximum Feeling and Comfort in Penis in intercourse. Very Good Birth Control Measures also. The open penis without foreskin is best for satisfactory feeling, long duration of enjoyment with stability and less discharge. Avaiable as a tablet or gel form put inside vagian 10 min before mating and it will work,spermicidal gel applied also in vagina,one name avaiaLble in market is TODAY.
as most person donot like TUBECTOMY or VASECTOMY AS PERMANANT METHOD AND also donot use contraceptive pills as woman has to take it daily and it has some side effects on woman above 45 yrs and in new generation some say it reduce sex urge too ,so new generation young educated donot use it but otherwise well accepted and effective,similiarly IUCD OR copper- T although very effective many donot use it as may cause bleeding so many woman donot like it.
therefore i have written over self control even expulsion of sperm outside during intercourse or called as withdrawl method is also an effective method but failure is high than safe method.
As a form of contraception, you can use natural birth control and it can also regulate your fertility. Some cultures and religions believe that birth control should not be artificial and using any devices or drugs is not accepted.
Couples who avoid sexual intercourse and periodic abstinence is sometimes considered a birth control method. Some natural options include:
Enjoy Sex With Natural Power and Birth Control: -
Rhythm method
Withdrawal method
Standard days method
Using the calendar
If the woman is using a natural method it gives her a good understanding of the cycles her body goes through. This way she can stay more tuned with some of the smaller signals that her body will give her.
Are You in Constant Pain Try it Now: -
This is a pretty safe method of birth control, as there is no use of chemicals or drugs. Also, as an added benefit, this is a pretty inexpensive way to go. If one decides to get pregnant is very easy to change your mind.
Contraception should be used at all times to avoid an unwanted pregnancy. Always consult with your doctor to decide what option is best for you. By considering the use of the natural birth control method you are not interfering with the natural workings of your body.
Today we are looking for new ways to keep our bodies healthy and free of chemicals. By not having to take the pill, or the patch, which is also a hormone release we can find a way to be healthy and still avoid an unwanted pregnancy.nos sex in mid cylce of woman,calculate day from ist day of menstrual cycle suppose it is Ist june then avoid sex from 07th 21st june is useful but it is only if mens cycle is of 28 days so individual varaition is there,pleast talk to your doctor if possible to calculate safe period,sex during mens lead to some infection and blood soiling but it is 1005 protective for pregnancy.
The natural way of family planning might not be 100% certain so you have to go about it in a foolproof manner. Always consult with your doctor or your nurse practitioner to decide the best methods to use.
Even we are not sure about it then condom is very useful as prevents pregnancy and protect from sex diseases like HIV/AIDS, GONORRHOEA, SYPHILLIS etc if partner is not reliable one but most male partner doesnot like it as it takes time to put on and they dont have time after excitement so vaginal contraceptive in aform of tablet or gel is very Effective to Get Maximum Feeling and Comfort in Penis in intercourse. Very Good Birth Control Measures also. The open penis without foreskin is best for satisfactory feeling, long duration of enjoyment with stability and less discharge. Avaiable as a tablet or gel form put inside vagian 10 min before mating and it will work,spermicidal gel applied also in vagina,one name avaiaLble in market is TODAY.
as most person donot like TUBECTOMY or VASECTOMY AS PERMANANT METHOD AND also donot use contraceptive pills as woman has to take it daily and it has some side effects on woman above 45 yrs and in new generation some say it reduce sex urge too ,so new generation young educated donot use it but otherwise well accepted and effective,similiarly IUCD OR copper- T although very effective many donot use it as may cause bleeding so many woman donot like it.
therefore i have written over self control even expulsion of sperm outside during intercourse or called as withdrawl method is also an effective method but failure is high than safe method.

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