Obesity produce many diseases in our body and lead to our more suffering and early death,so every body is concerned for it.beside some few causes of congenital cause of Obesty where some excessive androgenic or less thyroid hormone cause it or some hereditary cause where some gene responsible for it ,mostly it is because of our over eating or eating in excess of what we burn out by doing our day to day excercise nut beside vigorous excercise and cutting intake we can definitely control it but sometime very hard to get result soon or some time very hard to reduce as our exercises are not that strong or fat cells are more prominant in our body so hard to control it by reducing diet or excercise ,here we shall discuss some change in diet through which we can control it without excercise.

September 29 is World Heart Day and as per WHO’s The World health statistics 2012 report,one in six adults obese, one in 10 diabetic and one in three has raised blood pressure. Dr Margaret Chan, Director-General of WHO says “this report is further evidence of the dramatic increase in the conditions that trigger heart disease and other chronic illnesses, particularly in low and middle-income countries. In some African countries, as much as half the adult population has high blood pressure.”
In high-income countries, widespread diagnosis and treatment with low-cost medication have significantly reduced mean blood pressure across populations – and this has contributed to a reduction in deaths from heart disease. In Africa, however, more than 40% (and up to 50%) of adults in many countries are estimated to have high blood pressure. Most of these people remain undiagnosed, although many of these cases could be treated with low-cost medications, which would significantly reduce the risk of death and disability from heart disease,kidney diseases, Diabetes,metabolic syndrome and stroke.Beside pain in knee joints, bachache, inferiority complex,depression and umblical and other hernias, regurgitation,respiratory distress and disturb of sleep and altered sex behavior and sexual life etc.
Green coffee beans are one of the best options because it helps people burn fat without any side effects! Green coffee bean is not a stimulant so it doesn’t make us jittery and nervous and raise your heart rate like roasted coffee or ephedra (Chinese herb for weight loss).In fact, the green coffee bean has actually shown in some studies to help lower blood pressure – while still boosting metabolism. The key ingredient in the green coffee bean is a very important natural active compound called chlorogenic acid, which works by inhibiting the release of glucose in the body, while at the same time boosting the metabolism or the ‘burning’ of fat in the liver.
Cabbage is best friend when we need to lose weight? It is amazingly low on calories (just 16 calories in 1/2 a cup of cooked cabbage) and has 0% fat and cholesterol. To add to this, it has a high fiber content which satiates our hunger for longer. It has a low glycaemic index which means that it increases your blood sugar very slowly, making it a great choice for diabetics.Apart from weight loss, it is also a magic veggie – a storehouse of Vitamin C and phyto-chemicals which help prevent cancer and heart disease.Remember not to overcook cabbage as it loses most of its nutrients. If we are using it in salad, do not prepare it too much in advance as this too robs it off its nutrients.
Similiarly following addition to our diet help us tor reduce obesity.
Chillies: Experts say eating chillies can help burn energy, hours after a meal. It’s also been suggested eating spicy food may temporarily suppress the appetite. Add jalapenos or red and green chilli to the dishes to give them a fat burning boost.
Almonds: Dry fruits contain proteins, fats and fibre – a combination which helps reduce hunger. Nuts make a great alternative to fried snacks. One can add it in the salad also to improve taste.
Olive oil: Olive oil contains a compound called oleic acid that is used by the body to create oleoylethanolamide, which helps in weight loss and reduces appetite. It’s always recommended to prepare delicacies using olive oil. One can use it to dress salads also.
Salmon (fish): It is high in protein and packed with Omega 3 that controls the production of the hormone, leptin, which regulates appetite. High leptin levels are linked to insulin resistance and obesity, so aim for at least two servings of oily fish a week to keep levels low.
Ginger: It helps in digestion, but it also has a thermic effect by raising the body’s internal temperature, meaning it expends more energy. Ginger also has cholesterol lowering properties, so can help improve cardiovascular health, as well as speeding up the metabolism.
Unsaturated Oils:Eating oil like olive oil,canola oil,rice bran oil,saffola oil etc high rich in unsaturated mono fatty acid or fat whcih doenot make our vessels thickened or artherosclerosis or prevent Hypertension,heart disease,kidney,diabetes etc.
Medicines; Medicine or tablet to reduce Obesity have limited role ,previous tablet like orlistat,spurulina and now a days recently added Belviq approved by USA FDA has got limited role with side effect and even Obesity Surgeries like banding lead to reccurrance once these are withdrawn but now a day cutting partof stomach and by passing is the opration of choice done by laproscopic method and sutures or by robots but are very expensive and involve a lot of complications ,liposuction is temporary method to reducefat from local part as cosmetic surgery but best is always our effort to reduce it by doing regular excecise,eating less and adding above food additives to reduce our huger and increase our metabolism.
 — with Shreya Nakipuria and 2 others. (4 photos)
