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Yoga and Natural Beauty - Seven Super Natural Beauty Tips For Face Care
Have you ever looked in the mirror and thought how tired and weary your eyes look? Or how dry and hard your skin is? The beauty industry spends a lot of money projecting a certain image of beauty which causes you to feel inadequate if you do not match up to this ideal.
However from a yogic perspective, real beauty is inner beauty. The yogi sees their physical body as a temple which houses your soul. True beauty is the reflection of your inner self radiating and touching others. From a yogic view you foster your inner beauty through the natural care of your body.and different yogic excercise even done at home with 5-15 min in morning or evening makes your body fit and beautiful.
The pace of life today takes its toll on your skin. It zaps your energy and leaves your skin tired, grey and haggard looking. If you are feeling stressed chances are you are over committed, have multiple tasks to complete at work and at home have to juggle your time between caring for your children and family.Antiaging Supplements Ensures The Fitness With Natural Beauty,You may even feel you do not deserve to take time out for yourself and spend your money on buying household items, paying bills, buying food and clothes for your children. Maybe after paying out for all these essentials you do not have any money left to have a manicure, facial or spend time at a day spa.Finding time for yourself, to rest and pamper and nurture your inner being seems a luxury and indulgent activity.
We spent so much on costly many creams,lotions,deodrants,face wash,solutions,ointments and sprays and powder to give our face a beautiful look,to hide black color black spots to augment our shining,lips,hairs,eye brows,hairs,nail ,pealm and sole,they took our good money but if we put daily care by regular washing mouth or face two times,care for nails,eye brows,halo around eye,palm and sole we need not to spend so much.
Seven Super Natural Beauty Tips for Face Care
1. To rest and rejuvenate tired eyes, place a peeled slice of cucumber over each closed eye as you lay down and breathe slowly.
2. Smile - Close your eyes and smile slightly. Take your awareness into your body and send your loving smile to the parts of your body that feel tired, stiff or sore. With practice you can easily practice this inner smile which leaves you looking refreshed and rejuvenated.
3. Facial Steam - a facial steam releases stale oils from the pores and loosens debris sticking to the skin. Simply fill a small bowl with hot (not boiling) water. If you have any herbs or aromatherapy oils sprinkle in a few drops (for example, lavender and peppermint are stimulating, rosemary, eucalyptus and rose are cleansing, chamomile is soothing). If you don't have any, that's ok. Place a towel over your head and sit quietly with your head about 20 inches from the water, with the towel covering the bowl. Breathe deeply for about 5 minutes as you allow the steam to gently ease away cares and stress from your skin.
4. Mix together 1 tablespoon ripe avocado, mashed; 1 teaspoon honey and 3 drops of cider vinegar and sesame oil to work to a spreading paste. Apply this mixture to your face, avoiding your eyes. Lie down and close your eyes for 10 - 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water.
5. Apply fresh aloe vera gel, straight from the plant, or vitamin E oil to your face, avoiding your eyes. Rest for 10 - 20 minutes, with closed eyes. Gently wash and rinse your face with warm water.
6. Fill a small bowl with warm water. Sprinkle a few herbs (for example mint, bay leaf infusion, or a few slices of lemon) or aromatherapy oils into the bowl. Place a clean flannel in the bowl, swish it around and then wring it out, leaving it slightly damp. Place the warm flannel over your face. Lie down and rest for 5 - 15 minutes.
7. Mix together 2 tablespoons ripe avocado, 1 teaspoon clear honey, 1 teaspoon lemon juice and 1 teaspoon plain yoghurt, place the mashed mixture into a small bowl and leave to chill in the fridge for 30 minutes. Spread over your face, avoiding your eyes and lie down for 10 - 15 minutes. Rinse and wipe with lukewarm water.
If your face feels tired, weary and in need of a lift, try any one of the above seven super natural beauty care tips. They will nourish and stimulate you and leave your skin vibrant, clean and glowing.
daily natural bath and wash with petal rose water,taking honey and lemon water drink and friendly diet of vegetables,protiens and fruits cutting more eating as shown in pictures keep our body fit and good looking.
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