Since ancient time Fruits are the important meal or refresher
nutrient of Human as it is easily available most natural food without
any toxicity or harm to our body beside its easy availability,no need of
processing before eating and in rarest place like ‘VAN OR FOREST’ where
human race use to live and walk around for day to day activities and
lifehood without any price or economical burden.In modern times as
cities and town formed at cost of deforestation ,fruits and vegetables
the most wanted non animal Biological food product beame commercially
cultivated and preserved beside its occasional presence in some
households particular in villages or their farm House or Bagans or
Now a days,as science and health awareness
progress with economical developments fruits and vegetables are consumed
more frequently and markets are flooded with them.As Modern Human
nature,he wants to eat the things which are newly arrived or Fruits and
vegetables which are unseasonale as Mango,Licchi in month of
FEB-JUNE,Grapes in june to September beside this he wants to take fruits
as many Indian like fruits from from Italy,Japan,Usa,china etc rather
that Indian Variety is alco available.These unseasonale fruits and
vegetables are available as preserved packed food from last year in COLD
STORAGE,BIG FREEDZES OR COLD CHAIN or mostly unripe fruits plucked from
trees much before thei ripening time.
There are two
types of fruits,one fruit ripe only on plants or trees another are
Climacteric fruits like mango, banana, papaya, sapota and custard apple
are often harvested in a mature but unripe condition and then
subsequently allowed to ripen by natural release of ripening hormone by
commercial using Ethylene Gas or by use of Calcium Carbide or smoking in
each box /container of fruits commercially. However, natural ripening
in some fruits is a slow process, which leads to high weight loss,
desiccation of fruits and uneven ripening.
Use of Calcium Carbide:-
It is mostly used method for ripening of fruits like
Mango,Bananna,Licchi,Pappaya,Apples,Grapes,oranges etc.In small box a
packet of 50-100gs of calcium carbide is kept along with food and box is
closed,calcium carbide will absorb water from environment and will
produce Acetylene gas which causes artificial ripening of food by
producing heat inside box.Some traders ripen fruits like banana in
enclosed chambers where large quantities of calcium carbide is put and
water sprinkled before sealing the chambers. Though the released
acetylene triggers ripening process in fruits, it is an inflammable gas
involving risk of fire hazards.However, calcium carbide contains
chemical impurities such as arsenic hydride and phosphorus hydride that
are highly carcinogenic compounds. Improper use of calcium carbide can
therefore cause chemical contamination of fresh produce. Further fruits
ripened with calcium carbide though develop attractive surface colour,
are inferior in taste, flavour and spoil faster.These fruits are soft as
starch turns into sugar by heat ,often uniform in color,may have black
patches or multiple colors or completely yellowish(Mangoes and Bannanss
),Some time usually rotten from inside ,apply few drops of iodine if it
remains yellow means food is rotten as starch or fresh fruit will turn
it blue from yellw.Government of India has banned the use of calcium
carbide for ripening of fruits under PFA Act 8-44 AA, 1954.
But inspite of every good warning we are so much eager to eat
Fruits and vegetables pretimely and prematurally that we donot mind
whether these are asfe for our helath or not,Arsenic phosphorus ,calcium
carbide beside producing ill effects on our Gastro Intestinal
tract,Liver,Kidneys and skin can produce cancer of lung,liver etc.
Alternatives safe method of ripening fruits;
Ethrel or ethaphon (2-chloroethane phosphonic acid) is a
commercially available plant growth regulator, which is a source of
ethylene similar to that naturally released by fruits during ripening
process. Although dipping of fruits in diluted ethrel solution is
recommended for enhancing ripening, it is a cumbersome process and may
cause some problems if commercially available ethrel contains chemical
impurities. Further, Food Safety and Standard Authority of India (FSSAI)
in its advise issued during May 2010 permits only the use of ethylene
in gaseous form for artificial ripening of fruits.
To overcome such expensive artificial ripening which is mostly adapted
in developed nations like USA,UK,CANADA,JAPAN etc, An alternative
simple method is standardized for enhancing the ripening process by
exposing the fruits to ethylene gas released from ethrel/ethephon
solution. This is a simple method wherein small quantity of alkali is
added to ethrel to release the ethylene gas and the fruits are exposed
to this liberated gas in air-tight portable plastic tents. In this
method the fruits are placed in ventilated plastic crates inside
air-tight plastic tents of known volume. Required/calculated quantity of
ethrel is taken into a container and placed inside the tents to which
required quantity of alkali (Sodium hydroxide) is added for releasing
the ethylene gas from ethrel solution and the tents are sealed air tight
immediately. A small battery operated fan can be placed inside the tent
for uniform circulation of released ethylene gas. After 18-24 hours of
exposure the fruits are taken out for completing the ripening process at
room temperature or 18-24°C especially for Robusta banana. Using
dessert coolers during ripening at room temperature would help to reduce
the temperature and increase the relative humidity thereby reducing the
weight loss.Mango fruits exposed to 100 ppm ethylene gas for 24 hrs can
be ripened in 5 days as compared to 10 days in non-treated fruits
without adversely affecting the quality. Similarly banana bunches/hands
exposed to 100 ppm ethylene gas for 18 hours can be ripened in 4 days
at RT and 6 days at 20°C. Papaya fruits exposed to ethylene gas ripened
with uniform surface colour and uniform firmness in 4 days at ambient
temperature. Therefore, use of ethylene is suggested as a safe
alternative to calcium carbide for ripening of climacteric fruits.
But even use of ethylene gas commercially used in modern ripening
chambers as written above and widely practiced in developed nations
which requires huge investment and is not economical for farmers or
small traders so in our country most of farmers,marketing people and
Sabji Mandi and Fruitsellers and even road side hawkers and feriwala all
use Calcium carbide for ripening of fruits(one kg of calcium carbide
cost Rs.25/- and can ripe 10 tons of Fruits) as regulating
authorities,Food safety,hygiene departments and analysts hardly work on
ground and all kept mum for bribes and kickbacks so use of such
contaminated fruits are widely prevalent in society and have acquired
almost in legal daily business of crore,causing so open day light Health
hazards to mass and every affluent,middle and poor class of our country
equally and SELF AWARENESS and CONTROLof taking such Fruits and
vegetables pretimely and prematurally in unseason period ,now a days
conscious people even donot use fruits and vegetables grown using
manures and fertilizers mixed with spray of insecticides and
pesticide,they simple use fruits and vegetables either grown in their
field or from a known company where fruits and vegetables are neither
riped nor grown by use of fertilizers that is called ORGANIC PURE NATURL
WATER BEFORE EATING.It is high time that our government should lay high
standard of food hygiene and toxicity standards with repeated
cinspections,raids and catching blackmarketers but all are sleeping in
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